On 1/25/19 10:33 AM, Boucher, William wrote:

Thank you, Gary! I will attempt next to duplicate your process with Ubuntu 1604.

I may as well but cannot guarantee timeliness.

If I am building OpenSCAP over my previous install of the libopenscap8 package, do I need to remove libopenscap8 first or can I just make-install over it?

I place the OpenSCAP install in /usr/local and ensure it is used separately and preferentially (via $PATH) rather than the one from the distro (or just not install from the distro). I use cmake-gui ../ from within the openscap/build directory and change CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to /usr/local (cmake-gui, tweak, configure, generate; make; sudo make install). Installing on top of the distro version will likely cause undesirable results.

I do not typically install ComplianceAsCode but simply access the content from the cloned (and built) repo, but if you install it I think it best to choose the same installation target (e.g., /usr/local) as that of OpenSCAP.

A functional (and available) install of OpenSCAP is a pre-requisite for building ComplianceAsCode.



Gary Gapinski — DB Consulting Group
NASA Glenn Research Center
+1 216 433 3959 — office
+1 216 820 1849 — mobile
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