<<On Fri, 10 Aug 2018 09:28:02 -0400, Michael Meffie <mmef...@sinenomine.net> 

> Starting with buildbot version 0.9, the buildbot project has deprecated the
> term "buildbot slave" and transitioned to the new "buildbot worker"
> terminology.  Protocol changes have been made, however buildbot master version
> 1.x supports old buildbot slaves as well as modern buildbot workers. The
> buildbot master version 0.8.x we are currently running only supports the 
> legacy
> buildbot slaves.

Note that the FreeBSD buildbot that I was operating stopped working a
year or more ago because of this change.  I eventually shut the VM
down since it could not work with a 0.8 master.  (That VM was outdated
anyway; once this transition is made I could spin up a variety of VMs
with more modern FreeBSD releases on them.)


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