On Fri, 10 Aug 2018 13:02:19 -0400
Garrett Wollman <woll...@csail.mit.edu> wrote:

> <<On Fri, 10 Aug 2018 09:28:02 -0400, Michael Meffie <mmef...@sinenomine.net> 
> said:
> > Starting with buildbot version 0.9, the buildbot project has deprecated the
> > term "buildbot slave" and transitioned to the new "buildbot worker"
> > terminology.  Protocol changes have been made, however buildbot master 
> > version
> > 1.x supports old buildbot slaves as well as modern buildbot workers. The
> > buildbot master version 0.8.x we are currently running only supports the 
> > legacy
> > buildbot slaves.
> Note that the FreeBSD buildbot that I was operating stopped working a
> year or more ago because of this change.  I eventually shut the VM
> down since it could not work with a 0.8 master.  (That VM was outdated
> anyway; once this transition is made I could spin up a variety of VMs
> with more modern FreeBSD releases on them.)

Thank you Garrett. 

Let me know if you are in a position to try out the new buildbot master
before we completely turn off the old buildbot master. The only change
should be to set the buildbot worker to use the default port number 9986.

Best regards,

Michael Meffie <mmef...@sinenomine.net>
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