On the SuSE 9.2 systems (about 5) [...]
I've found the right kernel module, and now I'm facing some problems in making suse authenticate over out KDCs and use the afs namespace for home directories.
First, the AFS client seems to support only *one* ip address. I entered just one and ok, it seems that the cell is working anyway --- is it enough the CellSrvDB? I don't know anymore!
===[/etc/sysconfig/afs-client]=== THIS_CELL_SERVER="ip.address" THIS_CELL_SERVER_NAME="cell.name"
Now, the problem is Kerberos5 and LDAP. We have MIT K5 along with OpenLDAP just for uid/gid and home dirs both on debian stable (we have other infos of course, but none of them are important from this point of view). LDAP has *NO* base dn. We have gentoo, debian, knoppix and redhat clients all working, but no luck with suse!
I can kinit and I gain the right token. The authentication from pam and nss_ldap are NOT working. Anyway, I don't see anything bad in my configuration:
===[/etc/openldap/ldap.conf]=== base host dir.cell.name slave.cell.name nss_base_passwd nss_base_shadow nss_base_group
===[/etc/nsswitch.conf]=== passwd: files ldap group: files ldap shadow: files ldap
hosts: files dns networks: files dns
services: db files protocols: db files rpc: db files ethers: db files netmasks: files netgroup: files publickey: files
bootparams: files automount: files aliases: files
===[/etc/pam.d/login]=== auth requisite pam_unix2.so nullok #set_secrpc auth required pam_krb5afs.so use_first_pass nodelay auth required pam_securetty.so auth required pam_nologin.so #auth required pam_homecheck.so auth required pam_env.so auth required pam_mail.so account required pam_unix2.so password required pam_pwcheck.so nullok password required pam_unix2.so nullok use_first_pass use_authtok password required pam_krb5afs.so session required pam_unix2.so none # debug or trace session required pam_limits.so session required pam_resmgr.so
===[/etc/sysconfig/ldap]=== BASE_CONFIG_DN="" BIND_DN=""
===[/etc/krb5.conf]=== [libdefaults] clockskew = 300 default_realm = CELL.NAME
[realms] CELL.NAME = { kdc = krb.cell.name kdc = slave.cell.name default_domain = cell.name kpasswd_server = krb.cell.name }
[domain_realm] .cell.name = CELL.NAME cell.name = CELL.NAME
[logging] default = SYSLOG:NOTICE:DAEMON kdc = FILE:/var/log/kdc.log kadmind = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
[appdefaults] pam = { ticket_lifetime = 1d renew_lifetime = 1d forwardable = true proxiable = false retain_after_close = false minimum_uid = 0 debug = false afs_cells = cell.name }
I get this in /var/log/messages:
Dec 27 16:25:20 plm02 -- MARK -- Dec 27 16:41:43 plm02 login[15375]: pam_krb5afs: unable to determine uid/gid for user Dec 27 16:41:43 plm02 login[15375]: pam_krb5afs: authentication fails for `username' Dec 27 16:41:43 plm02 login[15375]: pam_krb5afs: pam_sm_authenticate returning 10 (User not known to the underlying authentication module) Dec 27 16:41:50 plm02 login[15375]: FAILED LOGIN 1 FROM /dev/tty1 FOR UNKNOWN, User not known to the underlying authentication module Dec 27 16:41:54 plm02 modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.8-24-default/ modules.dep: No such file or directory
Anyway... I can use kerberos, afs but NOT ldap with nsswitch. LDAP is working CORRECTLY under GSSAPI!
plm02:/var/log # klist klist: No ticket file: /tmp/krb5cc_0
plm02:/var/log # tokens
Tokens held by the Cache Manager:
--End of list--
plm02:/var/log # kinit username [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s Password: kinit: NOTICE: ticket renewable lifetime is 1 week
plm02:/var/log # klist Credentials cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 Principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Issued Expires Principal Dec 27 16:44:36 Dec 28 02:44:36 krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Dec 27 16:44:36 Dec 28 02:44:36 afs/[EMAIL PROTECTED] plm02:/var/log # tokens
Tokens held by the Cache Manager:
Tokens for [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Expires Dec 28 02:44] --End of list--
I can use AFS after all:
plm02:/var/log # cd /afs/cell.name/usr/u/username/private/ plm02:/afs/cell.name/usr/u/username/private/ # touch a plm02:/afs/cell.name/usr/u/username/private/ # rm a
plm02:/afs/cell.name/usr/u/username/private/ # fs listacl . Access list for . is Normal rights: system:administrators rlidwka username rlidwka
But nsswitch isn't working!
plm02:/afs/cell.name/usr/u/username/private/ # groups username id: username: No such user
plm02:/afs/cell.name/usr/u/username/private/ # ldapsearch "cn=plm" SASL/GSSAPI authentication started SASL username: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SASL SSF: 56 SASL installing layers # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base <> with scope sub # filter: cn=plm # requesting: ALL #
# plm dn: cn=plm objectClass: top objectClass: posixGroup cn: plm gidNumber: 10002 memberUid: username description: afs plm group
# search result search: 5 result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 2 # numEntries: 1
You're using SuSE... so... what's going on here? :(
-- Sensei <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <pgp:8998A2DB> <icqnum:241572242> <yahoo!:sensei_sen> <msn-id:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _______________________________________________ OpenAFS-info mailing list OpenAFS-info@openafs.org https://lists.openafs.org/mailman/listinfo/openafs-info