Hi Chris,

Redid everything again but it appears to be having the exact same problem, this time there was definitely at no point an incorrect entry in hosts, further diag info that may be useful;

raven:/usr/share/doc/openafs-fileserver# bos status raven -long -local
Instance ptserver, (type is simple) currently running normally.
   Process last started at Tue May  3 10:02:49 2005 (1 proc starts)
   Command 1 is '/usr/lib/openafs/ptserver'

Instance vlserver, (type is simple) currently running normally.
   Process last started at Tue May  3 10:02:49 2005 (1 proc starts)
   Command 1 is '/usr/lib/openafs/vlserver'

Instance fs, (type is fs) currently running normally.
Auxiliary status is: file server running.
Process last started at Tue May 3 10:06:15 2005 (4 proc starts)
Last exit at Tue May 3 10:06:15 2005
Last error exit at Tue May 3 10:06:15 2005, by vol, by exiting with code 1
Command 1 is '/usr/lib/openafs/fileserver'
Command 2 is '/usr/lib/openafs/volserver'
Command 3 is '/usr/lib/openafs/salvager'

raven:/usr/share/doc/openafs-fileserver# tail /var/log/openafs/*
==> /var/log/openafs/BosLog <==
Tue May  3 10:02:49 2005: Server directory access is okay
Tue May  3 10:02:49 2005: fs:salv exited with code 0
Tue May  3 10:06:15 2005: fs:vol exited with code 1
Tue May  3 10:09:41 2005: fs:vol exited with code 1

==> /var/log/openafs/FileLog <==
Tue May 3 10:06:19 2005 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30 seconds; code=267268.
Tue May 3 10:06:49 2005 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30 seconds; code=267275.
Tue May 3 10:07:19 2005 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30 seconds; code=267268.
Tue May 3 10:07:49 2005 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30 seconds; code=267275.
Tue May 3 10:08:19 2005 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30 seconds; code=267268.
Tue May 3 10:08:49 2005 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30 seconds; code=267275.
Tue May 3 10:09:19 2005 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30 seconds; code=267268.
Tue May 3 10:09:49 2005 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30 seconds; code=267275.
Tue May 3 10:10:19 2005 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30 seconds; code=267268.
Tue May 3 10:10:49 2005 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30 seconds; code=267275.

==> /var/log/openafs/PtLog <==
ptserver: Unknown code pt 11 (267275) Can't rebuild database because not running NoAuth
ptserver: Unknown code pt 11 (267275) Can't rebuild database because not running NoAuth
ptserver: Unknown code pt 11 (267275) Can't rebuild database because not running NoAuth
ptserver: Unknown code pt 11 (267275) Can't rebuild database because not running NoAuth
ptserver: Unknown code pt 11 (267275) Can't rebuild database because not running NoAuth
ptserver: Unknown code pt 11 (267275) Can't rebuild database because not running NoAuth
ptserver: Unknown code pt 11 (267275) Can't rebuild database because not running NoAuth
ptserver: Unknown code pt 11 (267275) Can't rebuild database because not running NoAuth
ptserver: Unknown code pt 11 (267275) Can't rebuild database because not running NoAuth

==> /var/log/openafs/SalvageLog <==
@(#) OpenAFS 1.3.81 built  2005-04-07
05/03/2005 10:02:49 STARTING AFS SALVAGER 2.4 (/usr/lib/openafs/salvager)
05/03/2005 10:02:49 Starting salvage of file system partition /vicepa
05/03/2005 10:02:49 SALVAGING FILE SYSTEM PARTITION /vicepa (device=vicepa)
05/03/2005 10:02:49 No vice inodes on vicepa; not salvaged
05/03/2005 10:02:49 0 nVolumesInInodeFile 0
Temporary file /vicepa/salvage.inodes.vicepa.8334 is missing...

==> /var/log/openafs/VLLog <==
Tue May  3 10:02:49 2005 Using as my primary address
Tue May  3 10:02:49 2005 Starting AFS vlserver 4 (/usr/lib/openafs/vlserver)

My instincts are telling me something is up with ptserver?


Christopher D. Clausen wrote:

Eric Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, I thought of that; localhost raven.umbralservices.com raven

Did you make this this change AFTER installing the OpenAFS server packages? If so, I'd recomend apt-get remove --purge openafs-*server and then reinstall them to make sure you don't have localhost entered somewhere. I had this problem and it turned out that localhost was entered in one of the CellServDB files and was very hard to track down, but easy to correct once found.

Christopher D. Clausen
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