cat /etc/openafs/server/*

>     #Cell name    #raven

I manually made CellServDB to how it has looked according to various previous posts on the mailing list and set ThisCell to, not sure what made it raven, assumedly afs-newcell when I ran it again and it reported no errors this time, though I still get;

raven:/usr/share/doc/openafs-fileserver# tail /var/log/openafs/*
==> /var/log/openafs/BosLog <==
Tue May  3 14:09:22 2005: Server directory access is okay
Tue May  3 14:09:22 2005: ptserver exited on signal 15
Tue May  3 14:09:22 2005: vlserver exited on signal 15
Tue May  3 14:09:22 2005: fs:vol exited on signal 15
Tue May  3 14:09:22 2005: fs:file exited on signal 3

==> /var/log/openafs/FileLog <==
Tue May 3 14:09:22 2005 File server starting
Tue May 3 14:09:22 2005 afs_krb_get_lrealm failed, using
Tue May 3 14:09:22 2005 VL_RegisterAddrs rpc failed; will retry periodically (code=5376, err=2)
Tue May 3 14:09:22 2005 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30 seconds; code=267275.

==> /var/log/openafs/PtLog <==
ptserver: Unknown code pt 11 (267275) Can't rebuild database because not running NoAuth

==> /var/log/openafs/SalvageLog <==
@(#) OpenAFS 1.3.81 built  2005-04-07
05/03/2005 14:08:57 STARTING AFS SALVAGER 2.4 (/usr/lib/openafs/salvager)
05/03/2005 14:08:57 Starting salvage of file system partition /vicepa
05/03/2005 14:08:57 SALVAGING FILE SYSTEM PARTITION /vicepa (device=vicepa)
05/03/2005 14:08:57 No vice inodes on vicepa; not salvaged
05/03/2005 14:08:57 0 nVolumesInInodeFile 0
Temporary file /vicepa/salvage.inodes.vicepa.10542 is missing...

==> /var/log/openafs/VLLog <==
Tue May  3 14:09:22 2005 Using as my primary address
Tue May  3 14:09:22 2005 Starting AFS vlserver 4 (/usr/lib/openafs/vlserver)

Weirdness in PtLog and BosLog, and vos create hangs with timeouts on the first UDP connections, in an endless loop, so I assume it's still not done what it was supposed to do.


Russ Allbery wrote:

Eric Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

echo \> >/etc/openafs/server/CellServDB

Hm. So afs-newcell is adding the name of the cell but not the IP address of the server. That seems odd to me, although maybe it just works? But more fundamentally, this:

/etc/init.d/openafs-fileserver start
Starting AFS Server: bosserver.
bos addhost raven raven -localauth ||true
bos: could not find entry (can't find cell '<default>' in cell database)

smells to me like a ThisCell problem. What's the contents of /etc/openafs/ThisCell on your system?

Anyway, that explains the ptserver problem; afs-newcell had failed before
it got to running pt_util to create the database.

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