Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Dale Ghent wrote:
>> Alright, three weeks and no-one's screaming bloody murder about this
>> proposal. Where do I take it from here to be officially blessed?
>> /dale
> Dale:
> The reality is that no one is going to scream bloody murder until after
> a release is put out that removes the support and even then it won't
> happen until three months after the release occurs.  Most administrators
> do not read this mailing list unless they themselves are having a problem.
> The decision needs to be made by the gatekeepers and elders.  Our next
> meeting is Tuesday and I will place this topic on the agenda.
> Jeffrey Altman

The Elders have decided that support for Solaris 2.5 and earlier can be
removed from 1.5.x and above.   The support will in the 1.4.x series is
hereby deprecated, will not be removed, and will be continued to be
maintained for as long as 1.4.x is.

Jeffrey Altman
for the OpenAFS Elders

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