* Steve Simmons [2007-03-15 13:03:44 -0400]:
> On Mar 15, 2007, at 9:03 AM, Jose Angel Herrero wrote:
> >We have an afs cell (atc.unican.es) installed in a HP Proliand  
> >DL380 G3 and Linux (Debian 3.0 r2) server. The afs partitions  
> >(vicepxx)  for this cell are located in a HP MSA20 (SATA disk drive  
> >storage enclosure with 12 SATA disks with Ultra320 SCSI host  
> >connectivity and 6 TB). Now, we want migrate this cell (fileserver  
> >and dbserver) from this server to another server and we do not want  
> >to lose the data of our cell. We want to change the server  
> >(hardware), but no the disk library (vicepxx). We want to conserve   
> >the data in this disk library.
> >
> >So, we would like to know if there is some mechanism from afs admin  
> >commands suite that allows us to migrate it.
> There's nothing I know of standard in the afs admin commands, but  
> here's a little shell script I use for that purpose. It expects as  
> input a list of volume/server/partition indicators, one per line:
>     user.foo server.do.main a
> and will move them to a server/partition pair you set in the script.  

I don't think this is what was being asked for. My understanding is
that they don't have a second array to move the volumes to, but would
rather attach the existing array to the new server. I'll also venture
a guess that the operating system on the new server supports the
filesystem type(s) of the existing /vicepxx partitions and can run the
namei fileserver.

I would recommend reading the relevant portions of the AFS Admin Guide,
in particular:
for instructions on how to change a server's IP addresses (step 5 is
where one might want to move disks from the old server to the new one), and
for information about the sysid file (which may be worth transferring 
to the new server).

The topic has come up on this list before, so a look at the archives
should help. One thread that seems relevant begins at

Maybe someone who has actually performed this kind of procedure (I
haven't, yet) can comment further.

Having a fresh backup of all the volumes involved should be helpful for
one's peace of mind. (See José Angel's earlier question about backups, 
which I think is also answered in the archives.)
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