
I must be missing something, but why doesn't "vos move" fill the bill.

Set up the new server, vos move the volumes from the old server and decommision it. The only catch is that AFS server's can't share vicepxx partitions at the same time.

Jose Angel Herrero wrote:

Hello everybody,

We have an afs cell ( installed in a HP Proliand DL380 G3 and Linux (Debian 3.0 r2) server. The afs partitions (vicepxx) for this cell are located in a HP MSA20 (SATA disk drive storage enclosure with 12 SATA disks with Ultra320 SCSI host connectivity and 6 TB). Now, we want migrate this cell (fileserver and dbserver) from this server to another server and we do not want to lose the data of our cell. We want to change the server (hardware), but no the disk library (vicepxx). We want to conserve the data in this disk library.

So, we would like to know if there is some mechanism from afs admin commands suite that allows us to migrate it.

Thanks in advance

*   Jose Angel Herrero Velasco*

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