Christof Hanke a écrit :

what about "vos move" ?
I haven't heard of any reason why this shouldn't work.
when I try to move (I execute the command on the new server), I've got:
VLDB: no such entry
which I suppose is normal as the two servers maintain different vl databases... when I execute the command from the old server, things become worst as the volume is removed from the old server but not create on the new one!!



Gérald Macinenti wrote:

I have to migrate volumes between a 1.2.11 OpenAFS server to a new 1.4.4
server, the two servers serves the same Cell but don't know each other,
then what would be the best solution to migrate volumes from the old to
the new one? I've tried to dump from the old and restore to the new and
it almost work except that trying to change acls on the restored volume
raises segfault errors from "fs sa"...

Gérald Macinenti - Admistrator

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