Kim Kimball a écrit :
The backup dump command has "-append" as an option.

Do you know if this was used when the dumps were created?
yes it was used, and as I understand, this is what caused the problem as appending to a dump is only supported for tape devices, not files.

So the problem arises each time you want an incremental dump for the same volset or want to backup a new volset on a device which already holds a dump: you *must* use a separate file each time, isn't it?

If so I don't find it very confortable to use as you must define differents TC on different ports, one per file, or you have to change the file on behalf of the TC (have a link that points to a different file each time you wants to add something on the same disk)?

ps: restoring such appended dumps doesn't work with standard commands but the size of the backup file seems to grow at each backup, so I guess the data must be restorable in a (tricky) way or another.

Gerald Macinenti wrote:
Carsten Schulz-Key wrote:
Gerald Macinenti wrote:
When trying to restore a volume for which I have incremental dumps on tape (not a tape but a file on an external disk), I can sucessfully restore the last full dump but increments are not appended, I have the following error in butc output:

It seems, you're encountering the following problem:

You have to use separate dump files if you want to do incremental dumps :-( ...
ok, thank you very much, sad news...

Is there any plan to develop an append-to-file feature?


Gérald Macinenti - Administrator

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