I looking for a production ready distributed file system.
I learned about AFS about 10 years ago in college, but this is the first
time I have been able to try and use it.
I need to set up several linux servers that will provide data to both
linux and windows 2003 client platforms.  I have read though the online
information at openafs and it seems like a good solution.
Now for the fun questions.  Is the windows client suitable for a
production environment?  The windows machines will in turn be serving
data to multiple clients.  (A proprietary data server that only runs on
windows will be feeding the data off box, but the data will be stored on
linux machines with the main data stores.)
Which version should I consider using, the latest version that the
download link leads (1.4.x) to or the version that the windows download
leads to (1.5.x)?
I have been looking for a good printed book to read though to learn
more, but really can't find much.  Is there a good reference/intro book
out there?
I have been trying to compile openAFS on SUSE 10.2 with gcc version
4.1.0 and am running into compile problems.  I ran into problems with
ifdefs on line 115.

looking at the source code, it looks like there is infact a missing if.
I guessed which one to leave and commented out a block, but the errors
continued with ifdef problems on line 460.  
Is this a known issue that has been resolved elsewhere?
Thank you!

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