FWIW, I've been running 1.6.1 (not 1.6.2 though) on production KDCs since June 28. Everything seems to be working fine. I can get tokens via kinit/aklog and plain klog (using fakeka).

The KDCs currently run Solaris, but that's going to change "real soon now" once I've have had a chance to fully test our new Debian KDCs.

Cheers, Stephen
Stephen Joyce
Systems Administrator                                            P A N I C
Physics & Astronomy Department                         Physics & Astronomy
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill         Network Infrastructure
voice: (919) 962-7214                                        and Computing
fax: (919) 962-0480                               http://www.panic.unc.edu

 Some people make the world turn and others just watch it spin.
   -- Jimmy Buffet

On Sat, 1 Sep 2007, Jeffrey Altman wrote:

Mike Dopheide wrote:
We've also found that reverting back to MIT Kerberos 1.4.3 wasn't good
enough.  Some principals would start working with klog again after
another password change, but others needed to be deleted and recreated.

Is anyone else using MIT Kerberos 1.6.2 and klog?


My guess is that there aren't a lot of sites that have made the
migration to MIT Kerberos 1.6 on their production KDCs.  There is not
a compelling reason for making that transition unless you are
migrating the back-end database to use LDAP.

To find out what is really going on, fakeka will have to be debugged
to determine when the KABADREQUEST error is being generated.

Jeffrey Altman

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