Andrew Bacchi wrote:
I need to allow hosts to read/write files into AFS directories. I currently have a host principal as host/, and I extracted a keytab file for it as /etc/krb5.keytab.

This is not working, so I must be missing something. How do I get AFS tokens using krb5.keytab? There is some AFS form to the principal in kerberos 5 that I haven't mapped correctly.

Several things:

(1) you must create a PTS entry that matches the service principal.
    (see note below)

(2) you must obtain a Kerberos TGT using the keytab

(3) you must set a token using that TGT with aklog

Note that AFS does not currently have a notion of an identity for the cache manager and given the fact that the principal names must be converted to krb4 format the PTS entry for host/[EMAIL PROTECTED] will become [EMAIL PROTECTED] when performing lookups in the PTS database.

There is nothing that will distinguish this AFS ID as a machine ID. When it is being used, the process will be a member of system:authuser.

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