At 12:33 PM 2/11/2008, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
The AFS client does not support the UNICODE variant of the CIFS protocol and there is a bug in the Windows CIFS client that fails to properly process File Status Notification messages for objects accessed via UNC paths. This bug was fixed in Vista. Microsoft does not intend to backport the fix to XP and 2003.

But if I'm reading you correctly, what you are saying is that the "bug" is not exactly an AFS problem. But we only see this problem with AFS. Using UNC paths with Windows AD shares don't seem to show the issue. Of course I performed that test long ago, so I would need to re-verify my suspicion.

If I can put words in your mouth, you might be "implying" that because AFS doesn't support the "UNICODE variant" then that tickles the bug to show itself? Where AD shares are fully UNICODE compliant so the "bug" doesn't show up?

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