Stephen Joyce wrote:
6.  Profiles saved under Windows contain unicode characters.

Profile and redirected folders don't currently work well with the AFS client because it doesn't support unicode file names. This isn't a huge issue, but sometimes this comes into play for our foreign students who save web browser items in AFS, or IE does with the history, etc. Sometimes in our environment the profile of a user will not save/load because the filename has strange characters in it. Our help desk ends up fixing each of these users by hand.

We've seen the same problem; again, usually with ESL users. It's slightly worse than Rodney said: the unicode files are created on the local disk, then during the sync at logoff, the unicode characters are converted to question marks in the filenames in AFS. The next time the user tries to log in, Windows refuses to copy the files because ? is an illegal character in Windows filenames. The user then can't log in (if you have it set so that profiles must be loaded), or gets a temp profile (if you allow logins when roaming profiles aren't available.)

We're still using a fairly old version of the Windows client, but if this is still the behavior, I'd like to see it changed (like using a Windows-legal character rather than "?" to replace unicode characters when saving into AFS).

Stephen, please remember that the Windows AFS client does not support
UNICODE in its implementation of the CIFS protocol.  The UNICODE names
are never given to the AFS client. The UNICODE to OEM charset translation is performed by the Windows CIFS client. If you have a
complaint regarding the behavior of the Windows CIFS client, please
file a report with Microsoft.  Microsoft must hear the complaints from
users, not software authors.

By the end of the year this should no longer be an issue because I hope
to have the conversion to a native redirector based file system completed by then.

Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc.

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