Christof Hanke wrote:
On Tuesday 19 August 2008 11:52:02 Anders Magnusson wrote:

first environment:  AFS servers running 1.4.5, Windows clients 1.5.36.

The problem is that when exporting mandatory profiles it usually works
fine, but on some
profiles it just hangs.  Looking at the task manager shows that both CPU
and network traffic stops,
and after a while an error message pops up (after I assume the SMB

This happens about 700 files and 35MB into a profile of size 5000 files
and 125MB.

The directory where it fails contains 900 files with quite long names,
but it's not the
directory max-limit that is the problem.

Copying the profile just using Explorer works fine and has no problem.

The cache size on the client is set to 800MB (32-bit client).

Who can we debug this?  Any hints?  Have I missed something? :-)

Hmm, not that I know anything about the windows-client, but maybe you should try the newest windows-client ? It has unicode supported for funny names like "Smörebröd" in directories and profiles, which could lead to behaviour like that.
No, it's not the the character set that is the problem, it's something else.

-- Ragge
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