Anders Magnusson wrote:
> Hi,
> first environment:  AFS servers running 1.4.5, Windows clients 1.5.36.
> The problem is that when exporting mandatory profiles it usually works
> fine, but on some
> profiles it just hangs.  Looking at the task manager shows that both CPU
> and network traffic stops,
> and after a while an error message pops up (after I assume the SMB
> timeout).
> This happens about 700 files and 35MB into a profile of size 5000 files
> and 125MB.
> The directory where it fails contains 900 files with quite long names,
> but it's not the
> directory max-limit that is the problem.
> Copying the profile just using Explorer works fine and has no problem.
> The cache size on the client is set to 800MB (32-bit client).
> Who can we debug this?  Any hints?  Have I missed something? :-)

Debugging techniques are described in the Release Notes.
If the client comes to a complete halt it is likely a deadlock.
A number of deadlocks have been fixed in the 1.5.51 and 1.5.52
releases that have been present for quite some time.

Jeffrey Altman

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