Jean Praloran wrote:
I performed an fs examine, because fs lq is for quota.

Here is the output :

root.cell :

afs-2 /afs/ <> # fs examine
File . (536870916.1.1) contained in volume 536870916
Volume status for vid = 536870916 named root.cell.readonly
Current disk quota is unlimited
Current blocks used are 18882
The partition has 813060455 blocks available out of 863664762

volume also replicated :
afs-2 /afs/ <> # fs examine
File . (536895547.1.1) contained in volume 536895547
Volume status for vid = 536895547 named site
Current disk quota is unlimited
Current blocks used are 417442
The partition has 800307515 blocks available out of 863664762

citron:/afs/ >fs exam
File . (536895548.1.1) contained in volume 536895548
Volume status for vid = 536895548 named site.readonly
Current disk quota is unlimited
Current blocks used are 417442
The partition has 781905331 blocks available out of 863664762

...which is as it should look like I assume. Have you issued "fs checkvolumes" on the
machine where there you only get rw volumes?

-- Ragge

The root.cell give me the ro Volume while the other one give me the RW volume

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Felix Frank < <>> wrote:

    On Thu, 7 May 2009, Jean Praloran wrote:


        I have a volume which is replicated on several servers. I have
        run some
        tests (basically tcpdump) and noticed that my client where
        asking only the
        RW volume and never the RO, so my replication is kind of
        useless. For others
        volumes such as root.cell there is no problem, does anybody
        have and idea of
        what could happend ?


    make sure that the volume that contains the mountpoint of the
    volume in question here is not mounted RW (and that it is, in
    fact, replicated).
    A broken read-only-path is likely the issue here.

    Use fs lq to quickly find out just which volume (RO or RW) is
    accessed at any point in your AFS tree.

     - Felix

Praloran Jean

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