Hi folks,

It won't be long now before I'll be installing my first OpenAFS cell at a client site! It's exciting. Even though the organization in question is small, employing only a dozen people, the network is interesting: three locations, each with an OpenAFS DB/file server, redundant Internet links and a mix of Windows and Linux clients.

Regarding the use of the redundant links in the above scenario, would it be possible -- desirable or wise even -- to present the clients, which have empty CellServDB files, with DNS AFSDB RRs that point to five different IP addresses: one internal for the local machine and four external for the two remote ones?

As for the OpenAFS DB/file servers, I believe they cannot use DNS discovery in the same way, so would it be possible to configure their CellServDB files with two IP addresses per remote server?

If that's not an option, it will always be possible to fall back on a general routing solution, which is going to be configured anyway, but it would be cool if OpenAFS could, at all times, determine independently how best to make use of the available links.


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