I've asked something similar before, but I could use some insight on how vos moves actually work. I have a volume being vos move'd from one server to another right now, poking along in the range of about 15-20 Mbit/s (on a Gigabit ethernet connection, on the same switch as the other server). Other times, I've seen performance more like I expect, something around 300 Mbit/s.

It seems like smaller volumes move slower, larger ones move faster. However this current large (200 GB, 300,000+ files) volume is moving slowly. The faster-moving large volume is 280 GB, contains 18,000+ files (mostly larger video files).

Do the contents of a volume have an impact on the speed at which they are moved? That is, if it's composed of many smaller files, does the metadata cause overhead, slowing the transfer down? What other differences in the contents of a volume might make transfer speeds orders of magnitude different? Are there any tricks to making slower volumes move more quickly?

Thanks again,

Indiana University
Research Storage
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