Hello all,

I have a volume that had a replica, which has now been removed with vos
remsite. I had made a mistake with the server directive originally, and I
attempted to correct the error midstream... ultimately, the RO volume
seemed to release. However, last night the RW volume went offline, as well
as the RO volume.

Now, this is a reproducible volume, so I -could- delete it and start over,
no problem.. but I would really like to know why, now that I have removed
the RO copy, the salvage operation will not bring the volume back online.
This is the third time I am salvaging the volume, the first two done due to
some information I read about doing double salvage in order to get rid of
bad RO volumes. That did happen, by the way, as you can see below. the *06
header file was the file for the RO site.

Here is the Salvagelog of the second salvage attempt:

10/29/2012 01:06:21 STARTING AFS SALVAGER 2.4 (/usr/lib/openafs/salvager
/vicepb 536870935)
10/29/2012 01:41:53 1 nVolumesInInodeFile 32
10/29/2012 01:42:05 SALVAGING VOLUME 536870935.
10/29/2012 01:42:05 user.snap (536870935) updated 10/27/2012 13:06
10/29/2012 01:43:44 totalInodes 25179364
10/29/2012 01:51:09 The volume header file /vicepb/V0536870936.vol is not
associated with any actual data (deleted)
10/29/2012 01:51:10 SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
10/29/2012 01:51:10 FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=101
10/29/2012 01:51:10 AskOnline:  file server denied online request to volume
536870935 partition /vicepb; trying again...
10/29/2012 01:51:10 SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
10/29/2012 01:51:10 FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=101
10/29/2012 01:51:10 AskOnline:  file server denied online request to volume
536870935 partition /vicepb; trying again...
10/29/2012 01:51:10 SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
10/29/2012 01:51:10 FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=101
10/29/2012 01:51:10 AskOnline:  file server denied online request to volume
536870935 partition /vicepb; trying again...

and here is the vos listvldb output:

    RWrite: 536870935
    number of sites -> 1
       server afs-db.foo.com partition /vicepb RW Site  -- New release

The rest of the volumes have no "release" notation on them for the RW sites.

Any pointers?

Timothy Balcer / IT Services
Telmate / San Francisco, CA
Direct / (415) 300-4313
Customer Service / (800) 205-5510

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