
Around the time of nightly backup one of our volumes went offline and we cannot 
bring it back online. We moved it to another server but this did not fix the 
issue. The same issue persists on the online backup snapshot which was dumped 
and restored under a different name. The vos online command silently fails.

Any ideas how to fix this would be greatly appreciated… should we attempt 
fixing the uniquifier bits manually in the volume header?

Here is the symptom:

Mon Apr 15 19:22:20 2013 GetBitmap: bad volume uniquifier for volume 
p.cvs.volname; volume needs salvage
Mon Apr 15 19:22:20 2013 VAttachVolume: error getting bitmap for volume 

This is the first appearance of the error in FileLog and it coincides with 
clone operation done by the vos backupsys 20 seconds before

The salvage subsequently says that it fixed it but in reality nothing changes. 
Here is the salvage output:

>>>Tue Apr 16 11:34:06 2013: /usr/afs/bin/volinfo -part /vicepac -vol 
>>>1934053454 -fixheader
Inode 8306696333780058111: Good magic 78a1b2c5 and version 1
Inode 8306696333847166975: Good magic 99776655 and version 1
Inode 8306696333914275839: Good magic 88664433 and version 1
Inode 8306696334115602431: Good magic 99877712 and version 1
Volume header for volume 1934053454 (p.cvs.volname)
stamp.magic = 78a1b2c5, stamp.version = 1
inUse = 0, inService = 1, blessed = 1, needsSalvaged = 0, dontSalvage = 0
type = 0 (read/write), uniquifier = 638, needsCallback = 0, destroyMe = 0
id = 1934053454, parentId = 1934053454, cloneId = 0, backupId = 0, 
restoredFromId = 0
maxquota = 150000000, minquota = 0, maxfiles = 0, filecount = 729178, diskused 
= 89814946
creationDate = 1269940121 (2010/03/30.11:08:41), copyDate = 1366098855 

>>>Tue Apr 16 11:34:07 2013: /usr/afs/bin/salvager /vicepac 1934053454 -showlog 
>>>-orphans remove
@(#) OpenAFS 1.4.14 built  2013-03-05 4294967295 0
04/16/2013 11:34:07 STARTING AFS SALVAGER 2.4 (/usr/afs/bin/salvager /vicepac 
1934053454 -showlog -orphans remove)
04/16/2013 11:34:21 1 nVolumesInInodeFile 32 
04/16/2013 11:34:21 SALVAGING VOLUME 1934053454.
04/16/2013 11:34:21 p.cvs.volname (1934053454) updated 04/15/2013 19:50
04/16/2013 11:34:21 totalInodes 729182
04/16/2013 11:35:53 Volume uniquifier is too low; fixed
04/16/2013 11:35:53 Salvaged p.cvs.volname (1934053454): 729178 files, 89814946 
 +++ 0 +++


Many thanks,


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