I am upgrading our tape drives from LTO-3 to LTO-5.
The native uncompressed capacity of LTO-3 tape is 400GigaBytes.
The native uncompressed capacity of LTO-5 tape is 1.5 TeraBytes.

I have always used the compressed mode on the current LTO-3.
And you can get 2 times or more compression.

According to the docs and the output from butc the max tape size
in the /usr/afs/backup/tapeconfig file is 2TB. I set to 8TB and labeled
a tape and it appears to be limited to 2TB as shown below.

I do a full dump then append the incrementals to the same tape.
Does anyone have a recommendation on the tapeconfig settings
for LTO-5?

Also is there a recommended setting for the BUFFERSIZE in the
/usr/afs/backup/CFG_st0 file for LTO-5 tape drives? Thanks for any
help on this matter.

Here is the tapeconfig for our LTO-3 drives:

1500G 0 /dev/st0 0

and the CFG_st0 setting:


Tried this for the new LTO-5 drive:

8T 0 /dev/st0 3

and get this butc output when labeling a LTO-5 tape:

******* OPERATOR ATTENTION *******
Device :  /dev/st0
Please put in tape to be labelled as <NULL> and hit return when done

Thanks, now proceeding with tape labelling operation.
Tape blocks read in 10240 Byte chunks.
Labelled tape <NULL> size 2147483648 Kbytes

John W. Sopko Jr.                    University of North Carolina
email: sopko AT cs.unc.edu      Computer Science Dept., CB 3175
Phone: 919-962-1844                Fred Brooks Building; Room 140
Fax:   919-962-1799                 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175

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