On 10/20/2014 3:40 PM, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> Some individual or organization will need to step forward to do that
> signing; I do not believe that there is an "OpenAFS" organization
> currently able or prepared to do so.  (Perhaps the Foundation could, but I
> am not sure.)

The correct entity to do so for OSX and Microsoft Windows and any other
platform for which OpenAFS.org will distribute signed binaries is the
OpenAFS Foundation.  Signing binaries implies an acceptance of liability
if those binaries were to cause harm.  The OpenAFS Foundation should not
sign binaries until it has appropriate insurance coverage in place to
protect the release team and the developers that
contribute to the release.

Your File System Inc. currently signs the Windows installers because
those packages are predominantly a product of YFSI developers and it has
the appropriate General and Errors and Omissions insurance policies in
place to cover any lawsuits that might be initiated.

Jeffrey Altman

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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