> On Fri, 07 Nov 2014 16:05:11 +0100
> Andreas Ladanyi <andreas.lada...@kit.edu> wrote:
>> sorry i didnt told that. In FreeIPA you must enable the DES salttype. I
>> enabled the des-cbc-crc:normal and des-cbc-crc:v4.
> I'm not too familiar with FreeIPA, but usually you need to enable "weak
> enctypes" separately from enabling DES specifically. That is, you need
> to turn on those specific enctypes (for the principal, and possibly for
> the whole KDC), but you also need to enable "weak crypto" in krb5.conf
> like Brandon mentioned.
> Or maybe what you did for this was correct, and something else is the
> problem. I'm sending some other things to try out in a moment.
I solved the problem but im not exactly sure why it works now :-)

In the past i firstly created a principal in FreeIPA Kerberos with
kadmin.local tool named "afs/cellname@REALM" with one key:

Key: vno 2, des-cbc-crc, no salt

The result was the OpenAFS error message: Kerberos error code returned
by get_cred : -1765328370, KRB5KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP

To solve the problem it was enough to use FreeIPA command
"ipa-getkeytab". This command generate 7 new keys for the
"afs/cellname@REALM" principal. The DES key is also generated because i
enabled it in FreeIPA.

Key: vno 2, aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, no salt
Key: vno 2, aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96, no salt
Key: vno 2, des3-cbc-sha1, no salt
Key: vno 2, arcfour-hmac, no salt
Key: vno 2, camellia128-cts-cmac, no salt
Key: vno 2, camellia256-cts-cmac, no salt
Key: vno 2, des-cbc-crc, no salt

Now aklog works and i can get a AFS token. Why are all this keys
important for aklog ? Or which key exeptly the DES key is important ?


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