>> old server:
>> ========
>> MIT Kerberos 5  - Realm A
> What version?
Version 1.9.2 from OpenCSW
>> new server:
>> ========
>> FreeIPA 3.3
> I don't suppose you know what version of MIT krb5 this is based on?
Version     : 1.11.5
Release     : 11.fc20

>> Service principals:
>> afs/"FQDN of the old Server with AFS server daemon"@Realm B
> I'm a little confused by this; we only use afs/cell.example.com
> principals with the cell name, which is usually not the FQDN of a
> server. Are you planning to migrate to a new cell name based on the
> old-server FQDN? Or did you mean afs/"AFS CELL"@REALM B here?
On the old server REALM A the AFS cellname is the same like the FQDN. At
the moment i dont plan to migrate to a new AFS cell name.
>> new PC Testclient:
>> ===========
>> Ubuntu 14
>> I could login as user, get a shell and a tgt. The afs client is running.
> A TGT for which realm? 
REALM B - the new FreeIPA server system.
> Do you know if the client is also using MIT krb5?
yes it is.
>> The clients CellServDB points to the "AFS CELL" and AFS server on the
>> old server system.
>> An aklog -d shows the message:
>> Authenticating to cell "AFS CELL" (server "THE OLD SERVER").
>> Trying to authenticate to user's realm REALM B
>> Getting tickets: afs/"AFS CELL"@REALM B
>> Kerberos error code returned by get_cred : -1765328370
>> aklog: Couldn't get "AFS CELL" AFS tickets:
>> aklog: unknown RPC error (-1765328370) while getting AFS tickets
> This is a little puzzling, since we're trying to use afs/"AFS
> CELL"@REALM B, but above, it was mentioned the service princ that exists
> is afs/"FQDN of the old Server with AFS server daemon"@Realm B, unless
> that was a mistake, or they are the same thing.
On the old server system the AFS cell name and the fqdn are the same.
> Anyway, you can kind of test this without using any AFS components,
> which can maybe make this a bit easier (and makes it easier to ask krb5
> or FreeIPA people about it, if you want). Just run this:
Yes. This is a great option.
> $ kinit # if you haven't already
> $ kvno afs/CELL
> $ klist -ef
> (All three of those commands will have realms, if you want to obfuscate
> them.) You'll probably just get the same error that Brandon told you
> about, but it's good to make sure. You can also try 'kinit'ing with a
> principal from REALM A and see if that changes anything, or requesting
> the afs/CELL princ from REALM A vs REALM B, etc.
> Or change what enctype you request like so:
> $ kvno -e des-cbc-crc afs/CELL
> $ kvno -e aes256-hmac-cts afs/cell # this should _not_ work
kvno -e des-cbc-crc afs/cellname
kvno: KDC has no support for encryption type while getting credentials
for afs/cellname@Realm B (the new Realm on FreeIPA)

kvno -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96  afs/cellname
afs/cellname@Realm B: kvno = 1

I think here is a problem with Kerberos.
> Can you get any of those variations to work? If you can see which work
> and which fail, it can point to what's causing it to fail.

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