Hi Berthold, long time no see...

On Jan 8, 2016, at 09:45 , Berthold Cogel wrote:

> Somehow a kmod-openafs package got in the RHEL6 x86_64 repos that breaks
> the update and installation process. I found this package in the repos
> for 1.6.14..1.6.16
> It's a module that seems to be build for a kernel 3.18, which is not
> available for RHEL6. At least not through the official channels:
> kmod-openafs-1.6.16-

sigh. RHEL + external kernel modules is so broken, thanks to the Fedora 
religion :-(

The repositories (packages *and* metadata) are just rsynced from the place 
where Stephen provides them. Omitting select packages and rebuilding the 
metadata is certainly doable but yet more work for which there is no manpower 

I'll see what I can do but please don't hold your breath...

Thanks for the report. At least it proves that some are still using the 

NB what are you using (or going to use) for EL7?


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