
Am 07.03.2016 um 21:19 schrieb Chas Williams:
> Yes, that part of the manual is out of date when it comes to dynroot.
> You don't need to setup replication for /afs (root.afs) since it doesn't
> really exist.  You still access the R/W path to your local cell via
> /afs/.CELLNAME though.  Dynroot understands this convention.
I don't find any information on dynroot at all. The administration guide
contains the search string only twice without an explanation. This
feature is a ghost for me as user.

> Do step #2 create and setacl.  To create the mount, just access it the path
> instead of using mkm.  So create root.cell before you try to access it.
`cd /afs/richtercloud.de` and `cd /afs/.richtercloud.de` fails with
`Permission denied` (also as `root` user). I verified that the volume
`root.cell` has been created with `vos listvol`. The list doesn't
contain `root.afs` which I assume is because of `-dynroot`.

`CellServDB` contains

    >richtercloud.de        #richtercloud.de                   #richtercloud.de
    >grand.central.org      #GCO Public CellServDB 01 Jan 2016                      #grand.mit.edu                    #grand-old-opry.central.org
    >wu-wien.ac.at          #University of Economics, Vienna, Austria                    #goya.wu-wien.ac.at                    #caravaggio.wu-wien.ac.at                    #vermeer.wu-wien.ac.at

I can read from all other cells in `/afs/[cellname]` except
`richtercloud.de` which is mine.


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