
I was wondering if any users or developers have a solution for moving all
the volumes from one server to another?

We have a perl program that was written 11 years ago to do that. But it has

Its mixed in with this other perl code for programmatically creating
volumes and its a bit of a mess.

You have to remember  to run it inside of screen or tmux. If you forget to
do that, or you press CTRL-C to try to interrupt the script it passes
that CTRL-C down to vos command and volumes get corrupted. Then you might
have to go to tape backup.

The programmer who wrote it moved on a long time ago.

Does anyone have a solution they use for this? Something that could be
safely interrupted? The reason I ask is that I know of no other way to
handle things such as Red Hat kernel upgrades where a reboot is required.
Having an outage for kernel upgrades is problematic for us since so much
other technology depends on having afs working at all times. The kernel
updates seem to happen about every 2 weeks or so.


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