On 5/1/2018 4:36 PM, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> On 5/1/2018 3:23 PM, Gary Gatling wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was wondering if any users or developers have a solution for moving
>> all the volumes from one server to another?
> As an AuriStorFS licensee you have access to the AuriStorFS vos command
> and its "vos eachvol" command.  To move RW volumes you need the "vos
> move" operation and for RO volumes you need the "vos movesite" operation.
> vos eachvol -server <server> -partition <partition> -ro \
>    -format "vos movesite -roid %n -fromserver %s -frompartition %p \
>             -toserver <server> -topartition <partition>" \
>    -execute
> vos eachvol -server <server> -partition <partition> -rw \
>    -format "vos move -id %n -toserver <server> \
>            -topartition <partition>" \
>    -execute
> will move all of the RO volumes and then all of the RW volumes.

An alternative is Russ Allbery's "mvto" command script


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