The Protection Service groups fall into two categories.   Those with explicit membership lists and those with implicit membership lists.   For example, the "system:anyuser" and "system:authuser" groups are implicit whereas "system:administrators", "system:ptsviewers", and "system:authuser@foreign-realm" groups are explicit.

The output of "pts membership" only includes memberships in explicit membership groups.   This has a negative impact inexperienced end users that might be unaware that they are members of the "system:anyuser" and "system:authuser" groups. This behavior also leads to an inconsistency between the behavior for foreign and local users because foreign users are not members of "system:authuser" and are members of "system:authuser@foreign" which is included in the membership list because that group has an explicit membership list.

The AuriStorFS  Protection service also makes a distinction between "user" and "machine" or "network" entities where "machine" and "network" entities are not members of the "system:authuser" or "system:authuser@foreign" groups.   This distinction is not apparent from the output of "pts membership" because of the exclusion of implicit groups.

AuriStor is considering a change to "pts membership" output to include implicit memberships in the output of "pts membership". With this change the output of these commands

  $ pts membership anonymous
  Groups anonymous (id: 32766) is a member of:

  $ pts membership testuser
  Groups anonymous (id: 112) is a member of:

  $ pts membership testuser@foreign
  Groups anonymous (id: 43282) is a member of:


  $ pts membership anonymous
  Groups anonymous (id: 32766) is a member of:

  $ pts membership testuser
  Groups anonymous (id: 112) is a member of:

  $ pts membership testuser@foreign
  Groups anonymous (id: 43282) is a member of:

The question for cell admins is whether anyone is aware of any internal scripts which process the output of "pts membership" which will break as a result of the inclusion of the implicit groups "system:anyuser" and "system:authuser" in output.

Your assistance is appreciated.

Jeffrey Altman
AuriStor, Inc.

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