On 8/24/2022 12:53 PM, Ben Huntsman (b...@huntsmans.net) wrote:

   Here's some configuration info:

   Let's say my cell is going to be mydomain.com.  My Active Directory is ad.mydomain.com, and my AFS service account is srvAFS.

When installing Active Directory for a domain "mydomain.com" it is best if the Active Directory domain is "MYDOMAIN.COM" instead of "AD.MYDOMAIN.COM".  This is because Kerberos clients will attempt to use the DNS name of the host as the Kerberos realm name.   The use of "AD.MYDOMAIN.COM" or "WIN.MYDOMAIN.COM" naming is common only in cases where there is a pre-existing Kerberos realm for "MYDOMAIN.COM".

Here's my krb5.conf:

        default_realm = AD.MYDOMAIN.COM
        default_keytab_name = FILE:/etc/krb5/krb5.keytab
        dns_lookup_realm = true
        dns_lookup_kdc = true
        forwardable = true

        AD.MYDOMAIN.COM = {
                kdc = ad.mydomain.com:88
                admin_server = ad.mydomain.com:749
                default_domain = ad.mydomain.com

        .ad.mydomain.com = AD.MYDOMAIN.COM
        ad.mydomain.com = AD.MYDOMAIN.COM

You also need to add

    .mydomain.com = AD.MYDOMAIN.COM

    mydomain.com = AD.MYDOMAIN.COM

since the Kerberos realm is not the same as the DNS domain name used for the AFS service principal.

        kdc = FILE:/var/krb5/log/krb5kdc.log
        admin_server = FILE:/var/krb5/log/kadmin.log
        kadmin_local = FILE:/var/krb5/log/kadmin_local.log
        default = FILE:/var/krb5/log/krb5lib.log

I then created the service account srvAFS, and extracted a keytab on the Domain Controller using the following command:

ktpass /princ afs/mydomain....@ad.mydomain.com /mapuser srvAFS /mapop add /out rxkad.keytab +rndpass /crypto all /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL +dumpsalt

The use of "afs/mydomain....@ad.mydomain.com" is correct.     The "a...@ad.mydomain.com" service principal name should no longer be used and must never be used with Active Directory.

I verified that the account did not have the "Use only Kerberos DES encryption types for this account" box checked. I then copied the rxkad.keytab over to the UNIX host.  I built OpenAFS with a prefix of /opt/openafs, so I put the keytab in /opt/openafs/etc/openafs/server

I used ktutil to delete the two des entries in the keytab. ktutil indicates that the KVNO is 5.

I then added the keys to OpenAFS using the command:

asetkey add rxkad_krb5 5 17 /opt/openafs/etc/openafs/server/rxkad.keytab afs/mydomain.com asetkey add rxkad_krb5 5 18 /opt/openafs/etc/openafs/server/rxkad.keytab afs/mydomain.com

For an Active Directory realm you most likely also need to add rc4-hmac, enctype 23.

Did the above "asetkey" commands succeed?   Since the cell is named "mydomain.com" I would expect asetkey to expand "afs/mydomain.com" to "afs/mydomain....@mydomain.com" which is not going to be present in the rxkad.keytab file.

What is the output of "asetkey list" after the above commands were executed?

But things aren't quite working:

# ls /afs
afs: Tokens for user of AFS id 204 for cell mydomain.com are discarded (rxkad error=19270408, server
ls: /afs: The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.

# kvno adu...@ad.mydomain.com
kvno: Server not found in Kerberos database while getting credentials for adu...@ad.mydomain.com
This is not expected to work.

# vos listvol myserver
Could not fetch the list of partitions from the server
rxk: ticket contained unknown key version number
Error in vos listvol command.
rxk: ticket contained unknown key version number

19270408 = rxk: ticket contained unknown key version number

It means the OpenAFS servers are not finding the expected key entry.   There is not a match for the combination of enctype and key version number and name.

# kinit -kt /opt/openafs/etc/openafs/server/rxkad.keytab afs/mydomain....@ad.mydomain.com

The above command is using the afs/mydomain....@ad.mydomain.com keytab entry to obtain a client Ticket Granting Ticket.    I doubt that is what you intended.

Instead you wanted to "kinit" using a client principal and then execute the kvno command below.

# kvno afs/mydomain....@ad.mydomain.com
afs/mydomain....@ad.mydomain.com: kvno = 5

In addition to the key version number you also need to know the encryption type used to encrypt the service private portion of the afs/mydomain....@ad.mydomain.com service ticket.  It is that encryption type which does not need to match either the encryption type used to encrypt the client private portion of the ticket or the session key which needs to match the keys added via asetkey.

After adding the keys via "asetkey" did you install KeyFileExt on every server in the cell?

Did you restart the services or touch the server instance of the CellServDB file to force the new keys to be loaded?

Did I miss something, or make a mistake along the way somewhere?

Ben mentions in a separate reply that the OpenAFS krb.conf file needs to be created and specify the local authentication realm as "AD.MYDOMAIN.COM".  Failure to do so will prevent authorization from succeeding but would not result in a key version not found error.

Jeffrey Altman

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