A while back I drew this diagram to show what we were aiming to design, in
broad terms, for the next generation aisexec/cman config system:


I think perhaps that diagram attempts to do too much, and I've drawn


The big problem I see with the first diagram is that it tries to use objdb
to solve the meta-configuration problem [1].  That's a hard problem, I'm
not sure objdb is the right place to solve it, I don't think we have
enough information to solve it properly right now, and I don't see that we
have a pressing need to solve it right now.  So, the second diagram steps
back to what Fabio has already implemented, more or less.

Lon pointed out another problem with the first diagram, and that's that we
want to be able to read config values without openais running, and running
properly.  That's one of the things we were trying to get away from with

[1] Just to be clear, the meta-configuration idea is where a variety of
config files can be used to populate a central config-file-agnostic
respository.  A single interface is used by all to read config data from
the repository.  Even if we did this, I don't see what it would give us
anything.  All our existing applications access data that's only specified
in a single config file anyway, so interchangable back-end files would be
an unused feature.

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