On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 06:02:38PM -0700, Steven Dake wrote:
> The issue that Dave is talking about I believe is described in the
> following bugzilla:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=489451

No, not at all.

> IMO you should get a leave event for any process that leaves the process
> group independent of how totem works underneath.  CPG should provide the
> guarantees you seek, and if it doesn't, it is defective.  

OK, good.  Here's what we expect:

0. configure token timeout to some long time that is longer than all the
   following steps take

1. cluster members are nodeid's: 1,2,3,4

2. cpg foo has the following members:
   nodeid 1, pid 10
   nodeid 2, pid 20
   nodeid 3, pid 30
   nodeid 4, pid 40

3. nodeid 4: ifdown eth0, kill corosync, kill pid 40
   (optionally reboot this node now)

4. nodeid 4: ifup eth0, start corosync

5. members of cpg foo (1:10, 2:20, 3:30) all get a confchg
   showing that 4:40 is not a member

6. nodeid 4: start process pid 41 that joins cpg foo

7. members of cpg foo (1:10, 2:20, 3:30, 4:41) all get a confchg
   showing that 4:41 is a member

(Steps 6 and 7 should work the same even if the process started in step 6 has
pid 40 instead of pid 41.)


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