The formatting came out horrible after I sent it.  Here is a 
showing it in a readable format:

--- On Thu, 5/12/11, David Brown <> wrote:

From: David Brown <>
Subject: Failover problem
Date: Thursday, May 12, 2011, 11:35 AM

I hope this is the right list as there are several that seem related.  If not, 
please excuse this and direct me to the correct list.
I am attempting to setup an active/passive NFS cluster with DRBD and OpenAIS.
The two nodes are nfsserver1 and nfsserver2 and I have everything setup.  The 
problem I'm having is it seems that
 only nfsserver2 functions properly.  If I take nfsserver2 offline, (crm node 
standby, or just shutdown or whatever) I get failures attempting to to export 
the filesystems.
  The odd thing is, it says nfsserver2 that is failing (rather than nfsserver1 
which it should be mounting on) and sets the export as (unmanaged).   Bringing 
nfsserver2 back online does not fix it.  I have to run "crm_resource -r 
p_exportfs_nfsshares -C -H nfsserver2" to correct the problem and get things 
running on nfsserver2 again.
I am running these servers on Fedora 14.
This is my config:
crm(live)configure# shownode nfsserver1node nfsserver2 \        attributes 
standby="on"primitive p_drbd_nfs ocf:linbit:drbd
 \        params drbd_resource="nfsdata"
 \        op monitor interval="15" role="Master" \        op monitor 
interval="30" role="Slave"primitive p_exportfs_nfsshares ocf:heartbeat:exportfs 
\        params fsid="1" directory="/srv/nfs/nfsshares" options="rw,mountpoint" 
clientspec="" wait_for_leasetime_on_stop="true" \       
 op monitor interval="30s"primitive p_exportfs_root ocf:heartbeat:exportfs \    
    params fsid="0" directory="/srv/nfs" options="rw,crossmnt" 
clientspec="" \        op monitor 
interval="30s"primitive p_ip_nfs ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \        params 
ip="" cidr_netmask="24" \        op monitor interval="30s"primitive 
 ocf:heartbeat:LVM \        params volgrpname="nfsvg" \        op monitor 
interval="30s"primitive p_nfs_fs ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \        params 
device="/dev/nfsvg/nfs" directory="/srv/nfs" fstype="ext3" \        op monitor 
interval="10s" \        meta target-role="Started"primitive p_nfs_server 
lsb:nfs \        op monitor interval="30s"group g_nfs p_lvm_nfs p_nfs_fs 
p_exportfs_nfsshares p_ip_nfsms ms_drbd_nfs p_drbd_nfs \        meta 
master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" 
notify="true"clone clone_exportfs_root p_exportfs_rootclone clone_nfs_server 
p_nfs_servercolocation c_nfs_on_drbd inf: g_nfs ms_drbd_nfs:Mastercolocation
 c_nfs_on_root inf: g_nfs clone_exportfs_rootorder o_drbd_before_nfs inf: 
ms_drbd_nfs:promote g_nfs:startorder o_root_before_nfs inf: clone_exportfs_root 
g_nfs:startproperty $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \        
dc-version="1.1.5-1.fc14-01e86afaaa6d4a8c4836f68df80ababd6ca3902f" \        
cluster-infrastructure="openais" \        expected-quorum-votes="2" \        
stonith-enabled="false" \        no-quorum-policy="ignore" \        
last-lrm-refresh="1305146528"rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \        

This is what it looks like when nfsserver2 is functioning:
============Last updated: Thu May 12 12:33:33 2011Stack: openaisCurrent DC: 
nfsserver2 - partition with quorumVersion: 
1.1.5-1.fc14-01e86afaaa6d4a8c4836f68df80ababd6ca3902f2 Nodes configured, 2 
expected votes4
 Resources configured.============
Online: [ nfsserver1 nfsserver2 ]
 Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_nfs [p_drbd_nfs]     Masters: [ nfsserver2 ]     
Slaves: [ nfsserver1 ] Clone Set: clone_nfs_server [p_nfs_server]     Started: 
[ nfsserver1 nfsserver2 ] Resource Group: g_nfs     p_lvm_nfs  
(ocf::heartbeat:LVM):   Started nfsserver2     p_nfs_fs   
(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started nfsserver2     p_exportfs_nfsshares     
  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs):      Started nfsserver2     p_ip_nfs   
(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started
 nfsserver2 Clone Set: clone_exportfs_root [p_exportfs_root]     Started: [ 
nfsserver1 nfsserver2 ]

This is what it looks like in error:
============Last updated: Thu May 12 12:21:57 2011Stack: openaisCurrent DC: 
nfsserver2 - partition with quorumVersion:
 1.1.5-1.fc14-01e86afaaa6d4a8c4836f68df80ababd6ca3902f2 Nodes configured, 2 
expected votes4 Resources configured.============
Online: [ nfsserver1 nfsserver2 ]
 Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_nfs [p_drbd_nfs]     Masters: [ nfsserver2 ]     
Slaves: [ nfsserver1 ] Clone Set: clone_nfs_server [p_nfs_server]     Started: 
[ nfsserver1 nfsserver2 ] Resource Group: g_nfs     p_lvm_nfs  
(ocf::heartbeat:LVM):   Started nfsserver2     p_nfs_fs   
(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started nfsserver2     p_exportfs_nfsshares    
   (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs):      Started nfsserver2 (unmanaged) FAILED     
 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Stopped Clone Set: clone_exportfs_root 
[p_exportfs_root]     p_exportfs_root:1  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs):      
Started nfsserver2 FAILED     Started: [ nfsserver1 ]
Failed actions:    p_exportfs_root:1_monitor_30000 (node=nfsserver2, call=174, 
rc=7, status=complete): not running    p_exportfs_nfsshares_stop_0 
(node=nfsserver2, call=186,
 rc=-2, status=Timed Out): unknown exec error

Is there something I have mis-configured?
Thanks in advance,David
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