Hard to tell - not really enough information.  If your running a later
version of corosync, corosync-objctl output would be helpful.
corosync-blackbox would be useful output too.

If you are not having a direct problem with corosync, we can forward you
on to the pacemaker list once we make that determination.


On 05/12/2011 08:41 AM, David Brown wrote:
> The formatting came out horrible after I sent it.  Here is a codepad.org
> showing it in a readable format: http://codepad.org/6oa0cStO
> --- On *Thu, 5/12/11, David Brown /<dcbrow...@yahoo.com>/* wrote:
>     From: David Brown <dcbrow...@yahoo.com>
>     Subject: Failover problem
>     To: Openais@lists.linux-foundation.org
>     Date: Thursday, May 12, 2011, 11:35 AM
>     I hope this is the right list as there are several that seem
>     related.  If not, please excuse this and direct me to the correct list.
>     I am attempting to setup an active/passive NFS cluster with DRBD and
>     OpenAIS.
>     The two nodes are nfsserver1 and nfsserver2 and I have everything
>     setup.  The problem I'm having is it seems that only nfsserver2
>     functions properly.  If I take nfsserver2 offline, (crm node
>     standby, or just shutdown or whatever) I get failures attempting to
>     to export the filesystems.  The odd thing is, it says nfsserver2
>     that is failing (rather than nfsserver1 which it should be mounting
>     on) and sets the export as (unmanaged).   Bringing nfsserver2 back
>     online does not fix it.  I have to run "crm_resource -r
>     p_exportfs_nfsshares -C -H nfsserver2" to correct the problem and
>     get things running on nfsserver2 again.
>     I am running these servers on Fedora 14.
>     This is my config:
>     crm(live)configure# show
>     node nfsserver1
>     node nfsserver2 \
>             attributes standby="on"
>     primitive p_drbd_nfs ocf:linbit:drbd \
>             params drbd_resource="nfsdata" \
>             op monitor interval="15" role="Master" \
>             op monitor interval="30" role="Slave"
>     primitive p_exportfs_nfsshares ocf:heartbeat:exportfs \
>             params fsid="1" directory="/srv/nfs/nfsshares"
>     options="rw,mountpoint" clientspec=""
>     wait_for_leasetime_on_stop="true" \
>             op monitor interval="30s"
>     primitive p_exportfs_root ocf:heartbeat:exportfs \
>             params fsid="0" directory="/srv/nfs" options="rw,crossmnt"
>     clientspec="" \
>             op monitor interval="30s"
>     primitive p_ip_nfs ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>             params ip="" cidr_netmask="24" \
>             op monitor interval="30s"
>     primitive p_lvm_nfs ocf:heartbeat:LVM \
>             params volgrpname="nfsvg" \
>             op monitor interval="30s"
>     primitive p_nfs_fs ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
>             params device="/dev/nfsvg/nfs" directory="/srv/nfs"
>     fstype="ext3" \
>             op monitor interval="10s" \
>             meta target-role="Started"
>     primitive p_nfs_server lsb:nfs \
>             op monitor interval="30s"
>     group g_nfs p_lvm_nfs p_nfs_fs p_exportfs_nfsshares p_ip_nfs
>     ms ms_drbd_nfs p_drbd_nfs \
>             meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2"
>     clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
>     clone clone_exportfs_root p_exportfs_root
>     clone clone_nfs_server p_nfs_server
>     colocation c_nfs_on_drbd inf: g_nfs ms_drbd_nfs:Master
>     colocation c_nfs_on_root inf: g_nfs clone_exportfs_root
>     order o_drbd_before_nfs inf: ms_drbd_nfs:promote g_nfs:start
>     order o_root_before_nfs inf: clone_exportfs_root g_nfs:start
>     property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>     dc-version="1.1.5-1.fc14-01e86afaaa6d4a8c4836f68df80ababd6ca3902f" \
>             cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
>             expected-quorum-votes="2" \
>             stonith-enabled="false" \
>             no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
>             last-lrm-refresh="1305146528"
>     rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \
>             resource-stickiness="200"
>     This is what it looks like when nfsserver2 is functioning:
>     ============
>     Last updated: Thu May 12 12:33:33 2011
>     Stack: openais
>     Current DC: nfsserver2 - partition with quorum
>     Version: 1.1.5-1.fc14-01e86afaaa6d4a8c4836f68df80ababd6ca3902f
>     2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
>     4 Resources configured.
>     ============
>     Online: [ nfsserver1 nfsserver2 ]
>      Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_nfs [p_drbd_nfs]
>          Masters: [ nfsserver2 ]
>          Slaves: [ nfsserver1 ]
>      Clone Set: clone_nfs_server [p_nfs_server]
>          Started: [ nfsserver1 nfsserver2 ]
>      Resource Group: g_nfs
>          p_lvm_nfs  (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):   Started nfsserver2
>          p_nfs_fs   (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started nfsserver2
>          p_exportfs_nfsshares       (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs):    
>      Started nfsserver2
>          p_ip_nfs   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started nfsserver2
>      Clone Set: clone_exportfs_root [p_exportfs_root]
>          Started: [ nfsserver1 nfsserver2 ]
>     This is what it looks like in error:
>     ============
>     Last updated: Thu May 12 12:21:57 2011
>     Stack: openais
>     Current DC: nfsserver2 - partition with quorum
>     Version: 1.1.5-1.fc14-01e86afaaa6d4a8c4836f68df80ababd6ca3902f
>     2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
>     4 Resources configured.
>     ============
>     Online: [ nfsserver1 nfsserver2 ]
>      Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_nfs [p_drbd_nfs]
>          Masters: [ nfsserver2 ]
>          Slaves: [ nfsserver1 ]
>      Clone Set: clone_nfs_server [p_nfs_server]
>          Started: [ nfsserver1 nfsserver2 ]
>      Resource Group: g_nfs
>          p_lvm_nfs  (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):   Started nfsserver2
>          p_nfs_fs   (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started nfsserver2
>          p_exportfs_nfsshares       (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs):    
>      Started nfsserver2 (unmanaged) FAILED
>          p_ip_nfs   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Stopped
>      Clone Set: clone_exportfs_root [p_exportfs_root]
>          p_exportfs_root:1  (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs):      Started
>     nfsserver2 FAILED
>          Started: [ nfsserver1 ]
>     Failed actions:
>         p_exportfs_root:1_monitor_30000 (node=nfsserver2, call=174,
>     rc=7, status=complete): not running
>         p_exportfs_nfsshares_stop_0 (node=nfsserver2, call=186, rc=-2,
>     status=Timed Out): unknown exec error
>     Is there something I have mis-configured?
>     Thanks in advance,
>     David
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