On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 4:16 PM, Geoffrey Hutchison
<ge...@geoffhutchison.net> wrote:
>> Is there some method to this that I'm missing? Would anyone object to
>> the change I propose?
> The main requirement is that you don't remove API. Otherwise, I think we'd 
> all be happy to see improvements.

Ok -- I will probably remove the DataChanged function, but I just
added that to trunk a few weeks ago, so it shouldn't be a major
problem, correct? I don't think it made it into any releases.

Would changing protected variables be considered breaking API? I want
to get rid of the _a etc, _alpha etc, _v1 etc and just replace them
all with matrix3x3 _m.

By the way -- thanks for closing my bugs earlier, I always forget to
do that when I'm done with them :-)


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