On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 4:33 AM, Vincent Favre-Nicolin
<vinc...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>> See the attached POSCAR and POTCAR. When opened in Avogadro, the cell
>> is displayed as shown in the screenshot. The atoms are given in
>> fractional coordinates -- there should not be any outside the cell! At
>> a glance, it seems Avogadro is calling GetCellVectors, which
>> constructs the vectors from GetOrthoMatrix, which ignores the "real"
>> vectors, instead rebuilding them from a,b,c, etc.
>  Why is it that the lattice parameters are not equivalent to the
> orthonormalization matrix in the first place ??

DISCLAIMER: I am by no means a crystallography expert, so feel free to
disagree with / correct anything I propose below :-)

There is a lot of inconsistency in how data is handled there. Since
the class holds both vectors and parameters, it was a crapshoot
knowing which would be used in a member function without reading the
source. I fixed that a few months ago to make sure that everything
stayed up-to-date, but I think it's time to only store one
representation of the cell, and I'll have that in today.

>  Does that mean that the matrix is not a true orthonormalization matrix (B,
> with a standard convention of a parellel to Ox, b in the OxOy plane and c
> deduced to make a direct reference frame), but rather a UB matrix, where U is
> an orientation matrix ?

My working copy at the moment is orthogonalizing the vectors in all of
the SetData methods, so the matrix that is stored is always equivalent
to the transpose of matrix3x3::FillOrth(). No orientation matrix at
the moment, although it could be added? There is an offset vector in
the class, I suppose an orientation matrix could be added.

>  Removing the a,b,c in favor of a matrix seems somewhat strange to me - in
> crystallography the reference values always are the lattice parameters - the
> rest should be derived. If the atoms are rotated, there should be an
> orientation matrix, so that the orthonormal coordinates are given by:
>  (xyz)_ortho = U B (xyz)_frac

a,b,c can still be used to set the cell and can be accessed through
member functions. I think I'll add the orientation matrix too, so

vector3 ortho = cell.GetOrientationMatrix() * cell.GetOrthoMatrix() *
frac + cell.GetOffset()


vector3 frac = cell.GetFractionalMatrix() *
cell.GetOrientationMatrix().inverse() * (ortho - cell.GetOffset())

(someone may want to check my math wrt the orientation matrix above...)

I'd also like to add a couple convenience functions, namely:

vector3 OBUnitCell::fractionalToCartesian(vector3 frac) and
vector3 OBUnitCell::cartesianToFractional(vector3 cart)

to simplify such conversions.


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