On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 2:21 AM, Craig A. James <cja...@emolecules.com> wrote:
> On 10/4/10 2:10 PM, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Back on the 19/03/2009 I emailed to this list with the subject
>> "Canonical SMILES performance" about a test set of around 18000
>> PubChem 3D structures. I did the following analysis:
>> (1) sdf ->  can
>> (2) sdf ->  smi ->  can
>> (3) diff of (1) and (2)
>> At that time, we had 1424 failures (8%), which wasn't great. According
>> to a later email, the 22x branch finished with 190 failures.
>> I've just redone the analysis - the download from PubChem has changed,
>> but still has 18000 or so molecules
>> (ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubchem/Compound_3D/SDF/Conformers_00000001_00025000.sdf.gz)
>> Now we have only 5 failures. Pretty good by any measure.
>> (There were two canonicalisation timeouts...I think we should add an
>> option either to obabel, or to the canonical format, to set the
>> timeout.)
>> obabel failures.sdf -ocan -O sdf_to_can.txt
>> obabel failures.sdf -osmi -O sdf_to_smi.txt
>> obabel -ismi sdf_to_can.txt -ocan smi_to_can.txt
>> diff sdf_to_can.txt sdf_to_smi.txt
>> <  c12=NCCN=c1ncnc2      167
>> <  N12CC[C@@H](CC1)CC2   7527
>> <  c12c3c(cc4c1c1c(nn2)c2c(cc1cc4)cccc2)cccc3    9107
>> <  c12c(c(c[nH]1)C[C@@h]1n3c...@h](C1)CC3)cccc2  21918
>> <  c\1(=c/2\[n+](=O)cccc2)/n(cccc1)[O-]  23699
>> ---
>>> C12=NCCN=C1NCNC2      167
>>> n12c...@h](CC1)CC2    7527
>>> c12c3c(cc4c1c1c([nH][nH]2)c2c(cc1cc4)cccc2)cccc3      9107
>>> c12c(c(c[nH]1)C[C@@H]1N3CC[C@@H](C1)CC3)cccc2 21918
>>> C1(C2[N+](=O)CCCC2)N(CCCC1)[O-]       23699
>> I make it two kekulization problems and two canonicalisation problems
>> (both the same substructure). The fifth structure (23699) is a tough
>> one.
> I'm running about 1.2 million structures through the canonicalizer (it's 
> going to take a while even on 6 CPUs!).  After about 50,000 structures, I 
> found just one error, which is quite remarkable.
> Here is the SMILES -- both of these are correct, and both are the same 
> molecule:
> C(C1C=CCCC1)(C(=O)N/N=C/c1ccc(cc1)C#N)C(=O)N/N=C\c1ccc(cc1)C#N
> C(C1C=CCCC1)(C(=O)N/N=C\c1ccc(cc1)C#N)C(=O)N/N=C/c1ccc(cc1)C#N
> http://www.emolecules.com/image?db=549&id=1127873&width=500&height=500
> This is an interesting case because it's new -- OB now supports cis/trans N 
> correctly, and the two halves of the molecule are identical except for the 
> cis/trans difference.

It was a simple bug in the a sorting step somewhere. Fixed in svn r4152.

> Craig
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