These are the formats recognized by statically linked OB:

$ bin/babel -L formats
can -- Canonical SMILES format
copy -- Copy raw text [Write-only]
ent -- Protein Data Bank format
fix -- SMILES FIX format [Write-only]
mdl -- MDL MOL format
ml2 -- Sybyl Mol2 format
mol -- MDL MOL format
mol2 -- Sybyl Mol2 format
molreport -- Open Babel molecule report [Write-only]
pdb -- Protein Data Bank format
pov -- POV-Ray input format [Write-only]
report -- Open Babel report format [Write-only]
sd -- MDL MOL format
sdf -- MDL MOL format
smi -- SMILES format
smiles -- SMILES format
sy2 -- Sybyl Mol2 format
txt -- Title format

The formats recognized by "regular" (dynamical) OB are numbered 147 so I
won't quote them all here, but clearly a lot are missing. Most important
for me is InChI.


On Mon, 2010-10-18 at 16:09 -0400, Tim Vandermeersch wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:49 PM, Igor Filippov [Contr]
> <> wrote:
> > Tim,
> >
> > Something still not working for me -
> >
> > Here is what I do:
> >
> > g++ -fopenmp -g -O3 -g -O2  -I/usr/local/  -D_LIB -D_MT   -Wall
> > -I/usr/local//src/ -I/usr/local//src/ -I/usr/local//include/
> > -I../openbabel-2.3.0rc1//include/
> > -I../openbabel-2.3.0rc1//build/include/ -I/usr/local/include/
> > -I/usr/include/GraphicsMagick -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
> > -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64
> > -mtune=generic -pthread   -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9SMIFormatE
> > -u_ZTVN9OpenBabel12CANSMIFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CanSmilesE -c
> > osra.cpp
> >
> > .....
> >
> > g++ -fopenmp -g -O3  -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9SMIFormatE
> > -u_ZTVN9OpenBabel12CANSMIFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CanSmilesE  -o osra
> > osra.o osra_anisotropic.o osra_ocr.o osra_openbabel.o mcdlutil.o
> > unpaper.o -L/usr/local//src/ -lpotrace -L/usr/local/ -locrad -lm
> > -lGraphicsMagick++ -lGraphicsMagick -llcms -lfreetype -lXext -lSM -lICE
> > -lX11 -lbz2 -lz -lm -lgomp -lpthread  -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib
> > -L/usr/local//src/ -lPgm2asc
> > -lnetpbm ../openbabel-2.3.0rc1//build/src/libopenbabel.a
> >
> > The resulting executable does not produce SMILES.
> You can verify that the symbols are in the executable using:
> objdump -t myexe | grep CanSmi
> > Moreover, when I try to do "make test" on statically linked babel I get
> > the following:
> >
> > 27% tests passed, 41 tests failed out of 56
> >
> > Far cry from 100% "PASS" on dynamically linked babel.
> No, the tests don't work for static builds yet. Only the babel
> executable with all plugins.
> > Igor
> >
> > On Mon, 2010-10-18 at 14:59 -0400, Tim Vandermeersch wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Igor Filippov [Contr]
> >> <> wrote:
> >> > Tim,
> >> >
> >> > Thanks, I can build my executable per your instructions and it runs
> >> > without segfaults, but doesn't seem to get the format plugins yet - the
> >> > output when I want to get SMILES for example is empty.
> >> >
> >> > I'm also looking at the page "Plugins -> Creating custom static
> >> > libraries" at
> >> > but it's so terse I cannot figure out how to use this information for a
> >> > project that does not use cmake itself. And I'm not a cmake expert at
> >> > all unfortunately...
> >>
> >> You can build the doc/examples/static_executable exe using cmake and
> >> "make VERBOSE=1". This will print the commands used for compiling.
> >>
> >> For example:
> >>
> >> [100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/myexe.dir/myexe.cpp.o
> >> /usr/bin/c++    -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9ACRFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15ADFOutputFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14ADFInputFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11OBT41FormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13AlchemyFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15AmberPrepFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14OBAPIInterfaceE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel15BallStickFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9BGFFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9BoxFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11CacaoFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11CacheFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CARFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CCCFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13CHEM3D1FormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel13CHEM3D2FormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel20ChemDrawBinaryFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14ChemDrawFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13ChemKinFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CHTFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CIFFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel10CopyFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11CRK2DFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11CRK3DFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CSRFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel10CSSRFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel18DlpolyConfigFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel19DlpolyHISTORYFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel10DMolFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9XXXFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11FASTAFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel16FastSearchFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel10FCHKFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10FEATFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel16FenskeZmatFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13FHIainsFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel17FingerprintFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel24FreeFormFractionalFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel18GAMESSOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17GAMESSInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14GAMESSUKFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel19GAMESSUKInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel20GAMESSUKOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel20OBGaussianCubeFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel20GaussianOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel19GaussianInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel26GaussianZMatrixInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel13GenBankFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14GhemicalFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14GROMOS96FormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10GULPFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9HINFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel18JaguarOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17JaguarInputFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10MCDLFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9MDLFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9MOLFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9SDFFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11mmCIFFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14MacroModFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9MNAFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel10MOL2FormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14OBMoldenFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel18MolproOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17MolproInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15MolReportFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11MOPACFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15MOPACCARTFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14MOPACINTFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9MPDFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10MPQCFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15MPQCInputFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9MSIFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12OBMSMSFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9NulFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel18NWChemOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17NWChemInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel18OBOpenDXCubeFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel12OutputFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13PCModelFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9PDBFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11PDBQTFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9PNGFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12PovrayFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9PQRFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9PQSFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11PWscfFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17QChemOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel16QChemInputFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel12ReportFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14SmiReactFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9RXNFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11ShelXFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9SMIFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12CANSMIFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9FIXFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9SVGFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10TextFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12ThermoFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel12TinkerFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11TitleFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel15TurbomoleFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel13UniChemFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10VASPFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel13ViewMolFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9XEDFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9XTCFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9XYZFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9YOBFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11ZINDOFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17ChemDrawXMLFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CMLFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14CMLReactFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13PubChemFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9XMLFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CanSmilesE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14CompoundFilterE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel8MWFilterE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12SmartsFilterE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11TitleFilterE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17FormulaDescriptorE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel7FPCountE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11InChIFilterE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel16SmartsDescriptorE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12fingerprint2E -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9PatternFPE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel16OBForceFieldGaffE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel20OBForceFieldGhemicalE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel18OBForceFieldMMFF94E -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15OBForceFieldUFFE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel12OpAddInIndexE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11OpAddPolarHE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11OpCanonicalE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11OpConformerE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel8OpFillUCE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel8OpEnergyE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10OpMinimizeE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel7OpGen2DE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel7OpGen3DE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel4Op2DE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel6OpNewSE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15OpPartialChargeE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel16OpReadConformersE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel6OpSortE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel8OpUniqueE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10OpExtraOutE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel16GasteigerChargesE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13MMFF94ChargesE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10QEqChargesE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel12QTPIEChargesE
> >> -static  -I/usr/local/include/openbabel-2.0   -o
> >> CMakeFiles/myexe.dir/myexe.cpp.o -c
> >> /home/timvdm/openbabel-gitsvn/doc/examples/static_executable/myexe.cpp
> >> Linking CXX executable myexe
> >> /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/myexe.dir/link.txt 
> >> --verbose=1
> >> /usr/bin/c++    -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9ACRFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15ADFOutputFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14ADFInputFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11OBT41FormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13AlchemyFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15AmberPrepFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14OBAPIInterfaceE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel15BallStickFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9BGFFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9BoxFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11CacaoFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11CacheFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CARFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CCCFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13CHEM3D1FormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel13CHEM3D2FormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel20ChemDrawBinaryFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14ChemDrawFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13ChemKinFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CHTFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CIFFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel10CopyFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11CRK2DFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11CRK3DFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CSRFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel10CSSRFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel18DlpolyConfigFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel19DlpolyHISTORYFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel10DMolFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9XXXFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11FASTAFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel16FastSearchFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel10FCHKFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10FEATFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel16FenskeZmatFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13FHIainsFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel17FingerprintFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel24FreeFormFractionalFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel18GAMESSOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17GAMESSInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14GAMESSUKFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel19GAMESSUKInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel20GAMESSUKOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel20OBGaussianCubeFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel20GaussianOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel19GaussianInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel26GaussianZMatrixInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel13GenBankFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14GhemicalFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14GROMOS96FormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10GULPFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9HINFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel18JaguarOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17JaguarInputFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10MCDLFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9MDLFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9MOLFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9SDFFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11mmCIFFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14MacroModFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9MNAFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel10MOL2FormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14OBMoldenFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel18MolproOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17MolproInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15MolReportFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11MOPACFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15MOPACCARTFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14MOPACINTFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9MPDFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10MPQCFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15MPQCInputFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9MSIFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12OBMSMSFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9NulFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel18NWChemOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17NWChemInputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel18OBOpenDXCubeFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel12OutputFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13PCModelFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9PDBFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11PDBQTFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9PNGFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12PovrayFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9PQRFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9PQSFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11PWscfFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17QChemOutputFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel16QChemInputFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel12ReportFormatE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel14SmiReactFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9RXNFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11ShelXFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9SMIFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12CANSMIFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9FIXFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9SVGFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10TextFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12ThermoFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel12TinkerFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11TitleFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel15TurbomoleFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel13UniChemFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10VASPFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel13ViewMolFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9XEDFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9XTCFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9XYZFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9YOBFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11ZINDOFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17ChemDrawXMLFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CMLFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14CMLReactFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13PubChemFormatE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel9XMLFormatE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9CanSmilesE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel14CompoundFilterE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel8MWFilterE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12SmartsFilterE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11TitleFilterE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel17FormulaDescriptorE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel7FPCountE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11InChIFilterE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel16SmartsDescriptorE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel12fingerprint2E -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel9PatternFPE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel16OBForceFieldGaffE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel20OBForceFieldGhemicalE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel18OBForceFieldMMFF94E -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15OBForceFieldUFFE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel12OpAddInIndexE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11OpAddPolarHE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel11OpCanonicalE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel11OpConformerE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel8OpFillUCE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel8OpEnergyE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10OpMinimizeE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel7OpGen2DE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel7OpGen3DE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel4Op2DE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel6OpNewSE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel15OpPartialChargeE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel16OpReadConformersE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel6OpSortE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel8OpUniqueE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10OpExtraOutE -u
> >> _ZTVN9OpenBabel16GasteigerChargesE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel13MMFF94ChargesE
> >> -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel10QEqChargesE -u _ZTVN9OpenBabel12QTPIEChargesE
> >> -static    CMakeFiles/myexe.dir/myexe.cpp.o  -o myexe -rdynamic
> >> /usr/local/lib/ -lm -ldl -lz -Wl,-Bstatic
> >> -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib:
> >>
> >>
> >> > Igor
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On Sat, 2010-10-16 at 10:23 -0400, Tim Vandermeersch wrote:
> >> >> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 11:40 PM, Igor Filippov [Contr]
> >> >> <> wrote:
> >> >> > It builds nicely on Fedora 12, x64 system.
> >> >> > Some points:
> >> >> >
> >> >> > 1) When building with -DBUILD_SHARED=no one needs to make sure static
> >> >> > zlib exists somewhere (libz.a) otherwise the error message which cmake
> >> >> > gives is somewhat confusing.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > 2) build/lib is full of dynamic libs (.so) even with BUILD_SHARED=no.
> >> >> > There is a static libopenbabel.a is build/src, which is great, but
> >> >> > linking against it gives the following error:
> >> >> > undefined reference to `OpenBabel::OBMol::FindChiralCenters()'
> >> >> > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> >> >> >
> >> >> > babel executable seems to be linked statically though so perhaps I'm 
> >> >> > not
> >> >> > linking correctly?
> >> >>
> >> >> Something like this should work:
> >> >>
> >> >> g++ -static myexe.cpp.o  -o myexe  /usr/local/lib/libopenbabel.a
> >> >> -Wl,-Bstatic -lm -lz
> >> >>
> >> >> I'll reply in a separate thread with more details on static building.
> >> >> The MinGW page ( is
> >> >> updated but it doesn't address handling plugins yet.
> >> >>
> >> >> Tim
> >> >>
> >> >> > 3) The version is still set at 2.2.99 not 2.3.0 :)
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Thanks!
> >> >> > Igor
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 16:56 -0400, Geoffrey Hutchison wrote:
> >> >> >> I have uploaded a source-code only version of the 2.3.0 release 
> >> >> >> candidate 1.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> Please give this a try and see if there are glaring bugs, issues, 
> >> >> >> etc. Over the next week, we will be working on fixing up the 
> >> >> >> documentation the website, etc.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> Let us know what you think -- we look forward to a good release on 
> >> >> >> Oct. 23rd.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> Thanks,
> >> >> >> -Geoff
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> ---
> >> >> >> Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison
> >> >> >> Department of Chemistry
> >> >> >> University of Pittsburgh
> >> >> >> tel: (412) 648-0492
> >> >> >> email:
> >> >> >> web:
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> >> >> Download new Adobe(R) Flash(R) Builder(TM) 4
> >> >> >> The new Adobe(R) Flex(R) 4 and Flash(R) Builder(TM) 4 (formerly
> >> >> >> Flex(R) Builder(TM)) enable the development of rich applications 
> >> >> >> that run
> >> >> >> across multiple browsers and platforms. Download your free trials 
> >> >> >> today!
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> _______________________________________________
> >> >> >> OpenBabel-Devel mailing list
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> >> > Download new Adobe(R) Flash(R) Builder(TM) 4
> >> >> > The new Adobe(R) Flex(R) 4 and Flash(R) Builder(TM) 4 (formerly
> >> >> > Flex(R) Builder(TM)) enable the development of rich applications that 
> >> >> > run
> >> >> > across multiple browsers and platforms. Download your free trials 
> >> >> > today!
> >> >> >
> >> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> >> > OpenBabel-discuss mailing list
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >
> >
> >

Download new Adobe(R) Flash(R) Builder(TM) 4
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