On 20/01/16 10:59, Fredrik Wallner wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the file format of the input structure? Converting from SMILES to 
> SMARTS isn’t really necessary since all SMILES are valid SMARTS and can be 
> put into the query directly. For other, more advanced queries you could 
> always try to convert to SMILES with the options -xn (to suppress name) and 
> -xh 1 (to suppress the addition of implicit hydrogens on aromatic nitrogens, 
> needs a value i.e. the ”1”, but it can be anything).
> Regardless of how you prepare the SMARTS, I can really recommend 
> http://smartsview.zbh.uni-hamburg.de to visualize the result to make sure you 
> got the correct structure.
Thanks for the tip!

The issue at hand is to debug GAFF atomtype generation and therefore to 
see which SMARTS match the atomtype. To do this we have added a print 
statement to forcefieldGAFF.cpp that shows how the program cycles over 
the list of smarts in gaff.prm until it converges, e.g. using a Gaussian 
log file as input:

% obenergy -ff GAFF pyridine.log
Atom X-1 smart [*]
Atom X-2 smart [*]
Atom X-3 smart [*]
Atom X-4 smart [*]
Atom X-5 smart [*]
Atom X-6 smart [*]
Atom X-7 smart [*]
Atom X-8 smart [*]
Atom X-9 smart [*]
Atom X-10 smart [*]
Atom X-11 smart [*]
Atom ha-2 smart [#1X1]
Atom ha-4 smart [#1X1]
Atom ha-6 smart [#1X1]
Atom ha-8 smart [#1X1]
Atom ha-10 smart [#1X1]
Atom hc-4 smart [#1X1][CX4]
Atom c3-3 smart [#6X4]
Atom c2-1 smart [#6X3]
Atom c2-5 smart [#6X3]
Atom c2-7 smart [#6X3]
Atom c2-9 smart [#6X3]
Atom cc-7 smart [#6X3;R](=*)-*=*
Atom cc-9 smart [#6X3;R](=*)-*=*
Atom n2-11 smart [#7X2]
Atom n1-11 smart [#7X2](=*)=*
Atom n1-11 smart [#7X2](=*)=*

> Kind regards,
> Fredrik
>> 18 jan. 2016 kl. 16:43 skrev Stefano Forli <fo...@scripps.edu>:
>> Hi Mohammad,
>> when I had to do it myself, I used the CACTVS web service at NIH:
>> http://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure/[YOUR-SMILES-HERE]/file?format=smarts
>> Not very straightforward, but you can automate the process using some 
>> scripting (bash, python?).
>> Hope this helps,
>> S
>> --
>> Stefano Forli, PhD
>> Assistant Professor of Integrative
>> Structural and Computational Biology,
>> Molecular Graphics Laboratory
>> Dept. of Integrative Structural
>>   and Computational Biology, MB-112F
>> The Scripps Research Institute
>> 10550  North Torrey Pines Road
>> La Jolla,  CA 92037-1000,  USA.
>>     tel: +1 (858)784-2055
>>     fax: +1 (858)784-2860
>>     email: fo...@scripps.edu
>>     http://www.scripps.edu/~forli/
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Mohammad Mehdi Ghahremanpour [ghahramanpou...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 6:55 AM
>> To: openbabel-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>> Subject: [OpenBabel-Devel] Generating SMARTS format
>> Hi,
>> I am updating gaff.prm file by defining new SMARTS format to support all 
>> GAFF atom types for different molecules.
>> Is there any routine or function in the code which generates SMARTS from a 
>> given molecular structure as the output or even as the stderr?
>> Cheers,
>> Mohammad
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