Bump Bump!

Sorry, small error in the loop variable labels. Here is the correct version:

void createSingleBond(OBMol& mol, OBAtom * start, OBAtom * end) {
        OBBond *bond = mol.NewBond();
        double dist = start->GetDistance(end);
        cout << "New bond length: " << dist << endl;

OBAtom * MoleculeBuilder::getAtomByAtomID(OBResidue *res, string type) {
        for (OBAtom * atom : res->GetAtoms()) {
                string atomID = res->GetAtomID(atom);
                if (atomID == type) {
                        return atom;
        return NULL;

void MoleculeBuilder::fixProlines(OBMol & mol) {
        for (int a = 0; a < mol.NumResidues(); a++) {
                OBResidue* res = mol.GetResidue(a);

                if (res->GetName() == "PRO") {
                        std::vector<OBBond *> bonds = res->GetBonds(false);

                        OBAtom * CA = getAtomByAtomID(res, "CA");
                        OBAtom * CB = getAtomByAtomID(res, "CB");
                        OBAtom * CG = getAtomByAtomID(res, "CG");
                        OBAtom * CD = getAtomByAtomID(res, "CD");

                        if (CA == NULL || CB == NULL || CG == NULL || CD == 
                                                << "Cannot find proline ring 
carbons! Torsion updates will not work."
                                                << endl;
                                cout << CA << " " << CB << " " << CG << " " << 
CD << endl;
                        string names[4] = { "CA", "CB", "CG", "CD" };
                        OBAtom connect[4] = { CA, CB, CG, CD };

                        for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++) {
                                if (!connect[b]->IsConnected(connect[b + 1])) {

                                        cout << names[b] << " and " << names[b 
+ 1]
                                                        << " are not connected 
in OBMol, connecting."
                                                        << endl;

                                        createSingleBond(mol, connect[b], 
connect[b + 1]);
From: Browning Nicholas John
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 6:29 PM
To: OpenBabel-Devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: Proline Bond Lists


Here is a very dirty fix. Torsion changes across any bond in proline will 
rotate the corresponding atoms properly.


void createSingleBond(OBMol& mol, OBAtom * start, OBAtom * end) {
        OBBond *bond = mol.NewBond();
        double dist = start->GetDistance(end);
        cout << "New bond length: " << dist << endl;

OBAtom * getAtomByAtomID(OBResidue *res, string type) {
        for (OBAtom * atom : res->GetAtoms()) {
                string atomID = res->GetAtomID(atom);
                if (atomID == type) {
                        return atom;
        return NULL;

void fixProlines(OBMol & mol) {
        for (int a = 0; a < mol.NumResidues(); a++) {
                OBResidue* res = mol.GetResidue(a);

                if (res->GetName() == "PRO") {
                        std::vector<OBBond *> bonds = res->GetBonds(false);

                        OBAtom * CA = getAtomByAtomID(res, "CA");
                        OBAtom * CB = getAtomByAtomID(res, "CB");
                        OBAtom * CG = getAtomByAtomID(res, "CG");
                        OBAtom * CD = getAtomByAtomID(res, "CD");

                        if (CA == NULL || CB == NULL || CG == NULL || CD == 
                                                << "Cannot find proline ring 
carbons! Torsion updates will not work."
                                                << endl;
                                cout << CA << " " << CB << " " << CG << " " << 
CD << endl;
                        string names[4] = { "CA", "CB", "CG", "CD" };
                        OBAtom connect[4] = { CA, CB, CG, CD };

                        for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
                                if (!connect[a]->IsConnected(connect[a + 1])) {

                                        cout << names[a] << " and " << names[a 
+ 1]
                                                        << " are not connected 
in OBMol, connecting."
                                                        << endl;

                                        createSingleBond(mol, connect[a], 
connect[a + 1]);
From: Browning Nicholas John
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 6:53 PM
To: OpenBabel-Devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Proline Bond Lists

Dear All,

I've noticed a problem with OB's internal representation of Proline. It's 
essentially missing a bond. Here's a bonds list of a PDB containing a single, 
standard Proline:

vector<OBBond*> resbonds = res->GetBonds(false);

cout << "---BONDS---" << endl;

for (int b = 0; b < resbonds.size(); b++)
    OBAtom* beginAtom = resbonds[b]->GetBeginAtom();
    OBAtom* endAtom = resbonds[b]->GetEndAtom();
    cout << res->GetAtomID(beginAtom) << "---" << res->GetAtomID(endAtom) << 

 CA --- N
 N  --- CD
 CD --- HD2
 CD --- HD3
 CB --- CG
 HG3--- CG
 CG --- HG2
 HB3--- CB
 CA --- CB
 CB --- HB2
 HA --- CA
 CA --- C
 C  --- O

As you can see, CD - CG is missing. This is important to fix, as anycode trying 
to modify Psi/Phi angles through SetTorsion(...) will inherently break for 



PS: Below is the Proline PDB entry. Excuse the formatting, outlook does not 
like copypasta.

ATOM     13  N   PRO     2      18.343  22.469   0.670                       N
ATOM     14  CD  PRO     2      18.562  21.226   1.430                       C
ATOM     15  HD2 PRO     2      18.753  22.245   1.765                       H
ATOM     16  HD3 PRO     2      19.309  20.557   1.858                       H
ATOM     17  CG  PRO     2      17.148  20.774   1.723                       C
ATOM     18  HG2 PRO     2      16.438  20.207   2.325                       H
ATOM     19  HG3 PRO     2      18.078  20.213   1.634                       H
ATOM     20  CB  PRO     2      16.526  21.128   0.228                       C
ATOM     21  HB2 PRO     2      15.701  21.008   0.929                       H
ATOM     22  HB3 PRO     2      16.205  20.816  -0.766                       H
ATOM     23  CA  PRO     2      16.959  22.548   0.197                       C
ATOM     24  HA  PRO     2      16.973  22.781  -0.868                       H
ATOM     25  C   PRO     2      16.177  23.607   0.933                       C
ATOM     26  O   PRO     2      16.455  23.874   2.099                       O

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