> I don't think it works this way, maybe somebody could confirm it.

Sorry that I didn't have a chance to respond yet. Bonding information is culled 
from OBResidueData, but ConnectTheDots is called later (e.g., in the frequent 
case that there are ligands or other non-residue atoms).

> Then there is a function to clean up extra bonds that shouldn't be there, but 
> I suspect that if you already filled all valences with these weird dual-bond 
> hydrogens, there is no 
> chance you're going to see the bonds you expect, no matter what the 
> resdata.txt file contains.

Certainly if there are weird valences, then ConnectTheDots will start removing 
bonds based - longest first.

> If you want to work with non optimal/distorted structures, you want to move 
> away from PDB and use something different that defines an explicit 
> connectivity table.

This is, indeed, ideal advice.

I can't see the "original PDB" file, only some small snippets. As I said, I'd 
prefer to debug the original file.

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