Hi everybody.
I work with high temperature kinetic scheme, hence I have radicals going
I am using one of the latest developer version (updated at the beginning of
the month) on win7 home 64 bit.

I need to assign a unique name to resonant radicals. In this example a
primary radical with a carbonyl group in alpha position should be
transformed into a vinoxy radical

>From what I have understood I can force the transformation of a tautomer
into another following these steps:
1 - Update the plugindefines.txt

#Add to plugindefines.txt

mesomers       # ID. Commandline option 

SmmMesomers.txt   # DataFile

First blush: trying to replace resonant radicals


2 - Define the SMIRK reaction(s) in SmmMesomers.txt
#radical alpha-carbonyl >> vinoxy

TRANSFORM [CH2X3:1]-[C:2]=[OH0:3] >> [CH2X3:1]=[C:2]-[OH0:3]


3 - test with obabel -:myFile.txt -ismi -ocan --mesomers

myFile.txt contains




The results I expected are the same as the one founded on

[CH2]C=O                           [O]C=C

[CH2]C(=O)C                     CC(=C)[O]

CCC=O                                 (doesn't match)

The results I obtained are NO transformation at all. What am I missing???
Thank you for your help.

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