On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 6:26 AM, Rajesh <h_raj...@jubilantbiosys.com> wrote:

> Thanks James and Dimitri for your quick reply.
> Upon installation, I have compiled and executed OBTest.java to validate
> java
> binding. Unfortunately, it said "Benzene has 0 atoms" even after preloading
> libopenbabel.so
> [root@localhost lib]# LD_PRELOAD=libopenbabel.so java OBTest
> Running OBTest...
> Benzene has 0 atoms.
> This shows even though both these versions generates babel binaries, none
> of
> them produces valid java binding file ( libopenbabel_java.so /
> libopenbabel_java.so ), atleast in my case.

This sounds similar to problems that I had with Swig and Perl.  Everything
would compile, but something went wrong with the dynamic loader at run
time.  It seemed as though it wasn't calling the C++ initializer code when
it loaded the OpenBabel libraries, resulting in symptoms that made no sense.

Sorry I have no better answer.

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