Hello Pau,

vim.u...@gmail.com (Pau), 2013.06.21 (Fri) 17:13 (CEST):
> I am trying to connect with iwn0 to a wpa2 psk net with a password of 4
> digits. It works on my mobile, from which I am writing this.
> ifconfig complains that the passphrase should be between 8 and 63
> characters. I tried to use 0x just in case of, but it led to the same
> problem.
> ifconfig iwn0 nwid lalala-lalala wpakey 01234
> dhclient iwn0
> Am I doing something wrong?

The four digit key makes me wonder whether you are having a WPS[1] thing
here. If that's the case, read second paragraph of [2]. Is the access
point under your control?

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi_Protected_Setup
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WPA2

Bye, Marcus
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