------ Original Message ------

On 30/06/01, 04:11:19, Marc Jacquinot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding 
PCSC installer:

> Hi Marc,

> you answered a bunch of questions regarding driver installation on Wintel
> boxes. Do you think there is an interest in a generic installer. I could
> provide such a tool and cover at least the most popular readers. Of 
> we would need info about which driver needs to be installed under which
> version of Windows.

> My team did something similar and wrote a setup program that checks for a
> correct base component installation and lets you install the drivers for 
> smart card reader for the PCMCIA, serial and USB port under 

> The program even handles correct de-installations without crashing Win 
> (which may happen if someone dares to install the base components and 
> the original Microsoft de-installation of the base components.

> Do you know anyone that is interested in such an approach? Please let me
> know. I am sure this will take a lot of pain from a deployment to a large
> number of end users.

YES! I think this would a fabulous thing to have. It took me 2 days to 
get my first PCSC reader going, and I "know what I'm doing".

What exactly are you proposing though? I would recommend at the very 

1) Checking for SCBASE + SMCLIB
2) If not present, install both in the right order, depending on target 

Which it sounds like you have done. At this point we can effectively say 
to users "You are ready for card reader drivers – any problems from now 
on are your drivers"

However, aren't there legal issues with redistributing the MS SCBASE and 

I suppose you could also bundle common reader drivers in the install – 
this would be very convenient. However isn't it an awful lot of work, and 
somewhat troublesome?

Personally I think the SCBASE+SMCLIB problem is the nastiest part - 
finding the files alone is hard enough now MS have stopped offering them 
as downloads.


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