Hi All,

Great to see a step to sourceforge. Wonderful.

> 1) A licence.

I think it is fair to say that we have a license proposal. I think it is
also fair to say that we do NOT have final license ratification just yet.
However, we need to spend some time on the license process as a group --
getting our collective minds around the matter.

IMHO, the folks at sourceforge are going to be understanding when it comes
to matters such as license wrestling issues as a community. They will
appreciate our state of being.

I think it is also fair to say that there are some in the FreeCard endeavor
who would lean to the "public domain" as a license, -- or some other flavor
of artistic, or MIT-license. So, the matter is to be GPL with an exception
(something that has been just recently granted) or public domain. Knowing
that the other options being championed and pondered here are also of the
very free flavor is going to be a warm comfort to sorceforge folks.


On a personal note, I've done a bit of reading on "license exceptions" and
I'm loving what I see. It was sorta a new wrinkle to me, and it makes
perfect sense. I've not gone too far in my public blah-blah-blahs (here or
elsewhere) about it just yet. A heated thread is running in another forum
where I want to ask first - and I'll wait for that to run its course.


Mark Rauterkus

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