At 1:18 PM +0100 on 3/8/00, M. Uli Kusterer wrote:
>>Adrian: We would gain:
>>* considerable public exposure
>>* a permanent server
> Certainly a plus
>>* nightly backups
> Heard about services that claimed this... we should make our own anyway.
>>* CVS
> Would be a plus if we found a decent Mac CVS client (There are two called
>MacCVS of which one always gets timeout errors for me and the other
>(associated with WinCVS) comes over as a corrupt archive).

<shrug>. Run CVS on Linux/ppc. Though I have a Mac CVS client that I
think works on backup somewhere -- I'll look.

>>* a unix (Linux I believe) server to compile on
> How'd that work ???

telnet or perhaps ssh.

>>* CGI access, including PHP3.
> Are those Perl CGIs?

Any CGI -- from perl to compiled C++.

>>What we loose:
>>* a Macintosh web server
> This really hurts.

No, it doesn't... I'd rather be serving the things from Linux.

>>* HyperCard & AppleScript CGIs (though we don't seem to have any of these
>>working anyway)
> Well, Alain's seemed to work 90% of the time.

They'd work the resto f the times if he prepended headers.

> Nuisance. Yeah. How large are they? Could we just keep them as text files
>in a read-only directory for future reference?

I can manage to move them in an automated manner, no doubt. Don't worry
about that.

> Oh, it's a language? Anyone know a URL where we can find the specs?
>(Anthony ... ?)

I'll find them. Right now, I'm waiting for a phone call and trying to
stay off the modem.

I'd try something like "", though. Also, look for
mod-php on one of the search engines. There is probably also a link off
of <>

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